Trinity - The Prophecy Read online

Page 13

  I looked up at him. I could see he felt hurt that he had been the one.

  “I was actually going to step out of the bushes and grab you, wait for you to stop screaming and then I was going to kiss you,” he half smiled and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

  “Just as I was about to do what I had been waiting years for, Nikkee opened the door. I think from my adrenaline and nerves, I started to change and as I quickly pulled my hand back from you my nail scratched your arm.”

  “Why are you only telling me this now?” I asked.

  “Because you only found out that I was a werewolf yesterday,” he said in a confused tone.

  “No, I mean about you liking me. Why now? Why not before? Or rather a few years ago?” I asked, looking him dead in the eyes. The green flecks in them seemed to be getting brighter.

  “Because it wasn’t safe for you. It wasn’t that night either, but I was watching and you were alone, I guess I couldn’t help it. It was wrong and it started this whole chain reaction.”

  “Yeah, I guess,” was all I said.

  He stood up again and looked down at me. “I am sorry Trinity. If I could take it all back, I would.” Then he turned and walked out, and I just watched him leave.

  Jason had left the hotel, but Lachlan had stayed. Nikkee came in and asked if everything was all right, so I filled her in.

  “Oh my god. Oh Trinity I am so sorry,” she said and put her arms around me.

  “It’s not your fault and it’s not Jason’s either,” I told her.

  She pulled back and looked at me.

  “I’m serious, it wasn’t you know. Only I didn’t tell him that before he left,” I said with a sigh.

  “Look, you know how he is. It’s probably why he has been so cranky and uptight about us going out,” she said.

  I let myself fall backwards onto the bed. Pulling the elastic hair tie out, I let my hair fan around me.

  “I don’t know what to do Nikkee,” I admitted.

  “I know and neither do I. I’m not even forced to choose a side and I’m feeling torn,” she sighed. “Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll come back in a couple of hours to wake you up.”


  She walked out of the room and shut the door. I grabbed my phone out and started typing a message.

  “I tried to stay away from you too, to protect you. It is not your fault Jason. I don’t blame you,” I sent.

  I waited and waited. Nothing came so in the end I closed my eyes and tried to think of nothing. Just peace.

  I was standing in the forest again. I looked down and saw I was holding the knife. I looked to my left then in front and saw both Lachlan and Jason. A twig snapped. I looked behind me and saw Sky come into view. She looked scary, her teeth were bared and claws were out. I looked back to Jason and Lachlan in panic and they were gone. I started running. Sharp branches tore at my flesh as I ran past them, but I did not slow or let the pain bother me. I looked behind me. Sky was no longer there, but Nikkee was.

  “Where are they?” she yelled.

  I shook my head and she was gone. I stopped, expanding my hearing. Footsteps were closing in from all around me. I felt trapped and surrounded.


  I heard my name in the distance.


  Nothing came back. I crouched down on the ground and covered my head. The running got louder and louder until it was right on top of me, and then nothing.

  “Trinity, my sweet child,” a gentle voice said.

  I looked up to see a woman standing in front of me. She was wearing a light blue and white silk gown. She had long brown wavy hair and bright blue eyes, her skin looked smooth and flawless. She smiled and reached her hand out to me. I took it and let her help me up.

  “Trinity,” she said again, still smiling. “Your journey has only just begun; you must fight to stay on track.”

  I swallowed. “I don’t want to fight.”

  “I know child, I know. Yet, you must. So many depend on you.”

  “What if I choose wrong? What if my decision hurts too many people?” I asked in a small voice.

  “Honey, every decision has its downfall, but so many more may benefit from it.”

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  She smiled at me again. “You do not know?” I shook my head. “I am Carra, or as most people remember me, Old Mother.”

  “You don’t look very old,” I stated.

  She laughed. Then my mouth dropped open. “You made the prophecy?” I said in question.

  “I have made many prophecies.”

  “I don’t like the one that is for me,” I said.

  “No one ever really does child, but one can still choose their own path,” she said.

  “So I don’t have to choose?”

  “That choice is up to you child,” she told me and then she disappeared.

  “Carra, Carra,” I called out to the dark forest. “Please I have more questions.”

  “You always do,” a deep, dark voice said from behind me and I screamed.

  Warm hands embraced me, soothing my cries for help, and I fell silent. I felt the man or monster touch my neck as he brought his mouth close to my ear.

  “Not all is bad, and good does not mean better. Be wary young Trinity, your mother gave her life for yours like her mother before, and her mother before that. You have enemies on both sides and allies on theirs from all around. Look to Old Mothers’ tears for help and guidance.” Then the warmth and the voice were gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I opened my eyes slowly. I felt no fear or anxiety. I felt at peace and could almost feel the left over presence on my shoulder from the stranger’s hands. I sat up and touched the spot where his hands were. I sighed. I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, then got up and walked out to the lounge room area to find who I was looking for.

  I told Nikkee and Lachlan about my dream, but I didn’t tell them about the one before where I had stabbed myself.

  “You are having some strange dreams,” Nikkee pointed out.

  I looked at my phone, checking to see if Jason had messaged me back. Nothing.

  “Trinity?” Nikkee said to get my attention.

  “What, yeah, I know they are crazy.”

  I was half listening, but my mind had trailed off. Both she and Lachlan were staring at me.

  “What? I am just distracted.”

  “I can’t believe you are seeing Old Mother. I wonder if it was really her,” Lachlan said, staring off.

  “What did that man mean by, ’Look to Old Mothers tears for guidance?’” Nikkee asked.

  “I don’t know. My tears maybe, I mean they are a part of her bloodline,” I replied.

  “Hmm. Interesting. So should you cry? Like, now,” Nikkee said, smirking at me.

  I laughed, “I am not that creative to turn my waterworks on and off.”

  “No you’re not. You would make a crappy actor,” she said.

  “Yeah, there goes one career choice.”

  “We should talk to Maria if Vex doesn’t know,” Lachlan said, hopping back into the conversation.

  “What about the whole forest thing. It’s not the first time I have dreamt of it,” I said before thinking. Crap.

  “When did you dream of it?” he asked.

  “Last night after finding out Jason was a werewolf.”

  “What happened?” he pressed.

  “It was just you and him in it. I felt like it was showing me I had to choose.”

  “How so?”

  I recapped what happened, but left out the part of me stabbing myself.

  “Are you sure it is the same Forest?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am sure of it. It smelled the same and had the same feel to it.”

  “So it really felt real?” he pressed.


  “Could she be having premonitions?” Nikkee asked.

  “I don’t think so. It sounds like she is having an ou
t of body experience. Perhaps someone is taking her there to show her things. What needs to be done?” he replied to her.

  “Weird much,” I said.

  I sat back and sagged into the couch. This was just going from one extreme to the next.

  “We need to get ready,” Nikkee said and stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled it. I pulled back and made a groaning noise. “Come on. I am starving and I bet you are too.”

  I sagged my head and let her pull me all the way up. “Fine. But just so you know, I really don’t want to go out.”

  I turned and walked away. I felt childish in a way. I didn’t want to meet a new monster because I really had had my fill of them. What I really wanted was to actually have a proper schoolies night. Run wild and have some fun because the countdown was on and the clock seemed to be moving faster and faster. It didn’t help I was sleeping so much. In a way, I was also looking forward to D Day so I would stop feeling this way. Yet, I was scared and confused and still had no idea what I was going to do.

  After we had gotten ready, Lachlan had given me a glass of blood. I still felt weird drinking it, but it really tasted too good. Gross, but good.

  “I have been meaning to ask. Where do you get all the blood from?” I asked as I stepped out of a stranger’s way on the street. We were heading to the club where Vex was meeting us. Once again, the street was alive with people. Police were out in numbers to help keep all the partygoers in check.

  “Blood banks mostly, but you can get it from anywhere,” he replied.

  “Like where?”

  “Everywhere,” he said waved his hand around at all the people.

  “Eww, I am so not going there,” I said, screwing up my face.

  “Willing volunteers are everywhere Trinity. You just need to know where to look.”

  “Willing how? Do you tell them you are a Vampire and want to drink their blood?” I asked with sarcasm.

  “Yeah, I do,” he said flatly.

  I just looked at him and so did Nikkee.

  “Come on, they never believe me; they think its role play,” he said with a big grin.

  “Ewww,” I said.

  “Double eww,” Nikkee added.

  “Fresh blood is better. It last longer in my system. The blood bags help hold me off till I need a full feed.”

  “I haven’t seen you eat real food. Can you eat it?” I asked.

  “Yes, but it doesn’t do much. It makes me feel full but it will not actually keep my body alive. Being a vampire is like having a blood disease. We need to replenish our blood only we consume it a different way,” he said.

  We turned up another street. Neon signs and lights lit the way. There was probably no need for streetlights as it was so bright. I think it was brighter because my system was buzzing from the blood. I felt twitchy as if I needed to run, jump, and bounce around the street. My hearing was shocking at first, but I had learned to block out as much as possible. Everything just sounded like a babble passing through my ears rather than screaming even when someone was whispering.

  “Ok, we are here. It's 11:45 so we have fifteen minutes. Let’s get a drink and wait,” Lachlan said as he steered us towards the club entrance.

  This club was different to the others I had gone to and it explained the attire that Lachlan had suggested. It was swanky. The men were in suits and the women in cocktail dresses. The music was not as loud, but loud enough that you could still have a dance or talk without yelling too much. There were lots of people, but it wasn’t overcrowded, there were enough tables that were free and Lachlan walked us over to one in the corner.

  “I will get us drinks. Just sit and wait,” he said as a command.

  I rolled my eyes at him. He sighed and did the same as he walked off.

  “When is he going to learn that he can’t boss you around?” Nikkee said.

  “I don’t know. Maybe with enough eye rolls he will get the picture,” I replied and laughed.

  “You must be Trinity?” a voice said beside our table.

  I looked up into a young face. His brown hair was down to his neck. His eyes were the same colour brown and they had a knowing look, which did not match his young appearance. I knew what he was and my body went stiff.

  “Relax,” he said and sat down next to Nikkee so he was sitting opposite me.

  I went to stand up.

  “Sit, I pose no threat. I am on the same side,” he said and gave me a dazzling smile. “My name is Dustin, you must be Nikkee,” he said, turning to look at her.

  She squirmed in her seat.

  “Clearly Lachlan has told you nothing of me,” he said as Lachlan approached the table and set our drinks down.

  “Dustin,” he said in a surprised voice. “Where is Vex?”

  “He won’t be coming,” Dustin replied.

  “Why?” Lachlan asked.

  “Because he is missing,” Dustin told him.

  I looked from one to the other. Both their faces portraying nothing.

  “What does this mean?” I asked.

  “It means we have to find him,” Dustin answered me.

  “How?” Nikkee asked.

  “We are going to need a wolf,” Dustin said to Lachlan and ignoring Nikkee. “We will need to find one.”

  “You can stop looking then,” Lachlan told him.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Lachlan pulled out his phone and walked away. I knew whom he was calling. The butterflies had started in my stomach at the thought of Jason meeting them here and seeing me all dressed up. He had not seen Nikkee and I dressed up for our formal as he was away. That time seemed so long ago now. Yet it was only a week before my birthday. I felt like years had passed not weeks.

  I really wished things had been different. Not so much me, but the turn of events. I wished Jason had not been turned and that I was still battling with my inner self that I couldn’t be with him because I would be putting him in danger. Now it was open season and we had nothing to lose, but I still felt nervous. He has had so many girlfriends and I have barely kissed a boy apart from being dared by Sky to kiss a boy behind a tree when I was in grade five. I never thought of having one. I had too much fun with my friends. Mark and I flirted all the time, that was enough for me, now I have this burning feeling inside that I don’t know how to put out, but I am afraid to approach it also. Will he think I am stupid and scared, will he expect everything from me after just one kiss? Will I be good enough to keep him when all his other drop-dead gorgeous girlfriends couldn’t? Will I be enough for him? How do I know he even still likes me now that I’m not human? He said “liked” that was past tense.

  “So are you with wolf boy?” Dustin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Yet, he was talking to Nikkee.

  She nearly choked on her drink and once she finally swallowed it, she burst out laughing. I had a big smirk on my face. Dustin looked like he didn’t understand her reaction.

  “He is my brother. So no I am not with him,” she finally said.

  “Are you with Lachlan then?” he pressed.

  “No, I am with Trinity,” she said still giggling a little.

  He looked at me and then back to her. “Are you sure?” he asked. His face a mask of confusion.

  “Not like that. I am her best friend. If I am with anyone it is with her,” she said giving me a smile

  “Oh right, that makes sense,” he said.

  “Why didn’t it make sense before I explained? Have you got something against gay people?” Nikkee asked in an angered tone.

  “No, not at all. When you live as long as us you learn to just roll with it. It didn’t make sense because of the Prophecy,” he said clearing the air.

  “The Prophecy say’s nothing about who Trinity will be with,” Nikkee pointed out.

  “Jason is on his way,” Lachlan said as he came and sat back down.

  “How far away is he?” Nikkee asked.

  “Not far,” he said and then turned to Dustin. “How have you been?”

le you two play catch up and wait for Jason, Trinity and I will be at the bar. I have a feeling this is going to be a long night,” Nikkee said and stood up. I followed suit. Neither of them said anything to stop us. There is a first time for everything.

  We walked past a group of people. They looked swanky with their diamond earrings and large rock rings. A woman looked at us and then turned away as if we were not worth glancing in our direction.

  “You know, my mum probably has more money than that snob,” Nikkee said and then stuck her nose up in the air.

  I laughed, she was probably right.

  “What do you think he meant about the Prophecy. There is nothing in it about who you hook up with,” Nikkee said as we sat down on a stool at the bar.

  “Maybe there is another one. Marie and Lachlan did say there were more and Carra said she had made many prophecies,” I replied and smiled at the bartender as he approached.

  “What would you lovely ladies like?” he asked and winked at us.

  I smirked and said, “Vodka and cream soda.”

  “I will have a martini my good man,” Nikkee said in a snob tone. We both laughed and so did the bartender then he turned around to make our drinks.

  “How many prophecies can there be of you?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, but I wish I had them all so I could sort through them,” I told her.

  The bartender sat our drinks down. Nikkee handed him over some money and he shook his head. “On the house, for being the least snobby people in here,” he said and smiled.

  “If you don’t like serving snobs, why work in here?” I asked out of curiosity.

  “A job is a job. It doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he replied.

  “I don’t like my job,” I said.

  “What job is that?” he asked.

  “Oh, you know, saving the world and what not,” I said and waved my hand as if it was no big deal.

  “Well, you may not like it, but I hope you do your job properly,” he said and gave a full-blown grin and walked away.

  Nikkee turned and looked at me with a shocked look on her face. “What? I was testing Lachlan’s theory about them not believing, but playing along.”