Trinity - The Prophecy Read online

Page 17

  “I thought you would be happy with the choice,” Jason said.

  A waitress came and sat a plate down in front of me that had the biggest piece of steak I had ever seen with some salad, mashed potatoes and veggies. The plate was huge and Jason had the same.

  He pulled a flask out of his pocket once the waitress left and poured the red liquid in my coffee.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  I ate the whole plate of food and the entire rare steak that was on it. I wanted more. My body was full of life and energy, I felt like I could take on the world.

  “Are you a part of some sort of rare steak club?” The waitress asked as she came over to clear our plates.

  “NO, why?” I asked with a small laugh.

  “We have had about 50 people come through here in two days ordering the exact same plate with rare steaks. I just thought you were some sort of club. They make clubs for all sorts of things these days,” the old woman said.

  “Have some come back?” Jason asked quickly.

  She frowned and then thought for a moment. “I suppose some have.” She had a suspicious look on her face.

  “We were supposed to meet friends here and they have the same acquired taste, that’s all,” he said reassuring her.

  She looked at her watch and said, “If it’s the same people they will probably be here in about 30 minutes. That's the time they have come both nights in a row.”

  “Great, thanks,” Jason said and he got up and put a one hundred dollar bill on her tray.

  “Don’t tell them we are here yet, it’s supposed to be a surprise,” he told her and gave her one of his rare full smiles.

  She smiled and gave him a nod. “Of course and thank you.”

  He reached for my hand and I grabbed it, slid out from the booth and followed him outside.

  “We really need to go. Like an hour ago.”

  “Do you think they are with Marie?” I asked.

  “If she has tricked them into thinking she can reverse their curse then yes.”

  We got to the car and quickly hopped in. Jason drove off in a flash.

  “I didn’t think she would have that many on her side,” I pointed out.

  “You have to understand Trinity that not everyone like me was given a choice. Some had their lives ripped out from under them just because a vampire had a crush and changed them so they would maybe be with them, even if they had children or were married. The wolves are the same. Some had been turned out of spite, some to get payback. Some for even less. Most of them do not want to stay that way. They want to be with their families and grow old with them, not be stuck like a monster forever.”

  “Do you feel that way?” I asked.

  He looked at me and smiled. “Do I want to watch my sister and parents die from the shadows because I can’t show them I stopped aging in my twenties. NO! Do I want to be able to protect them, you and everyone I know from having the same fate? YES! I had come to terms with what I became because I chose to, even if I thought Garth was nuts. In the end, he showed me he was serious and I still chose to become a monster. I would not take it back,” he finished.

  “But you only chose to help save me,” I pointed out.

  “Yes and no. Yes, I wanted to protect you, but once I saw what he was I also wanted to protect Nikkee and my parents from others like him too. It gave me strength and speed. I haven’t done a very good job, though,” he said with a small smile.

  “Some people just can’t be saved Jason. No matter how hard you try. Sometimes it is their destiny to fall and to fall hard. I think I have come to terms with that. No matter how hard I try I just can’t seem to escape my fate.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  We pulled up to the Woodford hotel. I barely got out of the car before I was engulfed with arms, and the bodies which were Nikkee and Sky. They were both crying and then I slowly started to cry too from the love I was feeling. My arms went around them and I held them both tightly. In that moment, I forgave Sky. She had abandoned me but I also can understand how she couldn’t bring herself to believe because even I didn’t want to.

  “Oh my god, Trinity I have been so worried,” Nikkee said in between sobs.

  “We had no clue where you were,” Sky murmured in my shoulder.

  I just held them. After what seemed like ages, they broke off me and then Lachlan came up. He also put his arms around me, gave me a brief hug, and then stepped back.

  “Let’s go inside,” he sighed and turned around towards the hotel room they were staying at.

  I was sitting on the couch with Nikkee on one side and Sky on the other. Jason was sitting across from us at the table with Lachlan.

  “I think they have an army, a large one,” Jason said and recapped what happened at the truck stop and I told them everything that had happened while I was a prisoner.

  “What do we do?” Sky asked.

  “You three won’t be doing anything,” Lachlan said in a parental tone.

  “We have to go back. They have my blood. Not to mention Vex and Garth,” I said.

  “Jason and I will rally some people. Leave it to us,” he said back.

  “We can help,” I pointed out.

  “No,” he said flatly then added. “You haven’t even decided what you are going to turn into Trinity, and Sky hasn’t turned and Nikkee… Well sorry but she is only human.”

  “Geez, talk about being the third wheel here,” Nikkee said plainly.

  I patted her leg. “It’s ok, I like that you are human,” then I smiled at her.

  “NO,” was all Lachlan said again and that was the end of it.

  Nikkee, Sky and I went to sit on one of the beds. They filled me in on what happened while I was gone.

  “Jason just about murdered someone and Lachlan well… it was scary,” Sky said.

  “Where is Mark?” I asked.

  Sky puts her head down and a tear rolled down her cheek. I put my arm around her and so did Nikkee.

  “He said he couldn’t be with a monster. He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone. He then told me he loved me and left.”

  “What an arse,” I said in an angry tone.

  “I deserve it Trinity. I did the same thing to you. I love you yet I still walked away, I left you and Nikkee alone with all this,” she waved her hand around and added, “madness. I am so sorry,” she said with a sob.

  “It's ok Sky, you are here now,” Nikkee said giving her a small smile.

  “That’s right,” I added.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I have wanted to punch you for a while,” Nikkee grinned.

  Sky grinned too.

  “We have to leave, but you three will be coming,” Lachlan said and then put a hand up to stop our enthusiasm. “You will be staying in the car at a safe distance. We need you close for your change,” he finished.

  “We will get some rest first. It's nearly sunrise, we won’t be able to do anything during the day without the cover of night,” Jason pointed out.

  “What about the witches,” I asked.

  “Sab will be onto that,” Lachlan said.

  “Is it just you two going in?” Nikkee asked in a quiet voice.

  “No, Dustin will meet us near the forest with some backup,” Jason reassured her.

  “Oh,” she said.

  I looked to Jason, I was scared and I wanted his arms around me. I wanted him to hold me and make me feel safe like he did before, even if it was for only a moment.

  Nikkee got up and walked a meter over to the bed next to the one we had been sitting on. Sky joined her. Lachlan went over to the couch, which left the other bed for Jason and me. He walked over, climbed in, and pulled me to him. He had no hesitation, no signs that he was nervous like I was, he

  wanted to lay down with me so he did. My back lay along his body and his arms wrapped around my stomach holding me close. I put my arm over his and let him hold me. I sighed at how safe and secure I felt and then his body started to go limp as he must have been going to sleep. I c
losed my eyes and did the same. I sucked in a big breath and slowly let it exhale. My body felt like it was untangling and my mind was at ease. Then my mind trailed off and left this scary world for a few hours.

  Jason and Lachlan had already loaded the cars up before Nikkee, Sky and I got out of bed. I had not even noticed that he had gotten up. We got something to eat, paid for our room and jumped in the car to head back to the place I was kept prisoner.

  There was little chitchat in the car while we drove. The boys were in the front and we were in the back. It was an awkward silence. There had been no time to talk to the girls alone about Jason’s kiss, but they kept trying to get some sort of sign. Like Nikkee for instance, would flick her eyes to Jason then to me and wag her eyebrows. I laughed and it seemed like for no reason to the guys, but Nikkee, Sky, and I knew.

  I was bursting at the seams to tell them. I wanted to beam with delight, but I also felt that it was the wrong time with everything else that was going on. I felt selfish because I wanted it to be about him and me. Even just for a day, to pretend to just be normal, be human. Was I being childish? It felt like it as I sat there with a sad face, wishing for such things that will never happen. From the day of my 18th birthday, nothing has been simple, ordinary, or human.

  After a long time Jason pulled the car over to the side of the road.

  “You three stay here. For the love of god, Trinity, please this once just do as I ask. Not because I am telling you to, but because you know it is the safest thing to do. We don’t know what we are going to face and we can’t be looking out for you three if we are trying to save someone else,” Lachlan said and got out of the car before any of us could complain.

  “Do as he says. It is for your own safety, even if you don’t think so,” Jason said and gave us a small smile.

  “But what about you two? Who will save you?” Nikkee asked in a quiet voice.

  “I can hold my own Nikkee,” he said then hopped out of the car, shut the door and jogged across the road to where Lachlan was waiting at the forest entrance.

  They disappeared fast, not just for their speed, but also from the night and the trees swallowing them in an instant.

  I looked up and saw the moon. Tonight was the night. There was a red tinge around it. It was only subtle now, but I knew it would grow brighter still until the moon was at its fullest.

  “Do you know what you are going to do Trinity?” Sky asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Well, I think the logical thing would be to become a werewolf. I am one and so is Jason,” she added.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” was all I said. I looked back to the forest.

  “What do you think is going on in there?” Nikkee asked in what seemed like a tiny voice.

  “I don’t know. The witches have this spell that blocks our powers, so they could be walking into anything,” I said honestly.

  I heard something from behind the car. It sounded like a lot of footsteps. The girls heard also. We sunk down in the back seat so our heads could not be seen.

  The sound got closer and closer. I could hear all three of our heartbeats. I put my hand up and made a push down motion and then put my hand to my heart and took slow deep breaths. Nikkee and Sky did the same. The sound was still fast but it didn’t seem to be as loud as we calmed our nerves.

  The steps were just about on top of us. I could not help myself. I looked out the window by poking my head up slowly. There was a person walking in front of about thirty people. I frowned and ducked back down, and waited for them to enter the forest.

  “What was it?” Nikkee asked.

  “Werewolves,” Sky answered.

  “I think I know who the guy in front was,” I said and frowned and then my eyes opened wide. “He was in the dream with Lachlan and Vex, Brandon was his name.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Nikkee jumped out of the car and ran across the road. I followed her out and so did Sky.

  “Nikkee wait,” I half spoke, trying to keep quiet.

  “We have to help, Dustin isn’t here it is just them,” she whispered back.

  “Dustin could already be in there,” Sky said.

  “We have to do something Trinity,” Nikkee said as if pleading with me.

  I wanted to do something too; waiting in the car was only going to send us crazy.

  “Okay, we are going to sneak in. If they are having a war, then we will slip past them and go get Vex, Garth, and my blood. Then we will go find them,” I said and they both nodded. “Do you think Jason will have any weapons in his car?” I asked.

  Nikkee shrugged and we ran back across the road.

  Sky popped the trunk from the front of the car, mine and Nikkee’s mouth dropped.

  “What tha…” Nikkee said.

  “Oh cool,” Sky said as she came and looked.

  “This is awesome,” I gushed.

  There were knives, crossbows, daggers, machetes, small knives, and arrows. The trunk was full of all sorts.

  “It’s like opening a Kinder Surprise, but better,” Nikkee said.

  “Oh, this is going to be fun,” Sky said.

  I grinned at her. It felt like that, yet it was also dead serious.

  “Ok, let’s just grab something to help us if we need it. Something small like those knives,” I said pointing to the ones I saw before.

  We each grabbed one and looked at it. They were like a big fishing knife.

  “I don’t want to have to kill anyone but if it calls for it, I will not be holding back,” Nikkee said in a fearless tone.

  Sky and I gave a short nod of agreement. I shut the hatch mournfully as I wanted more toys to play with. We stood there for a moment and just looked across the road.

  “Are we ready?” Nikkee asked.

  I reached my hand up to my neck and held onto my necklace. I thought for a moment. We could do this, they would not expect it. I let my hand drop back down and said. “Hell yes, I am ready,” Sky gave a chilling grin as if it was the best day of her life.

  We crossed the threshold in the forest. It felt like walking through a thick fog even though there were none around.

  “Did you feel that?” Sky asked.

  Nikkee shook her head and I replied, “Yeah, it’s the spell boundary. It feels kind of different now, though, I still feel like normal me,” I said, frowning.

  “Me too,” Sky said.

  We kept walking as fast and as quietly as we could.

  “How far did you have to run?” Sky asked.

  “It seemed ages but I was hungry and weak, so it could have been one hundred meters for all I know,” I admitted as I could not quite think of how long it could have actually been.

  “Let’s jog then. Are you sure it was this way,” Nikkee asked.

  “Yes, I am not sure how but I do.”

  “But you don’t know how long?” she asked with a smirk.

  “No,” I smiled back.

  “Works for me, let’s go,” she commanded.

  We jogged along at a normal pace. Good thing we were reasonably fit and I had gotten a B- in sports at school. The forest was dark, but the moon constantly reminded me that my time was running out as it shone through the trees giving us enough light as we made our way through dense shrubs and bushes.

  The trees started to thin up ahead.

  “I think we could be close,” I whispered.

  We stopped and listened. We couldn’t hear anything, not even any animals.

  I started walking quietly and after another hundred meters, I saw the cabin. I put my hand up so they would stop, I bent down behind a bush and they came up quietly.

  “Looks like someone is home,” Nikkee said as she looked to our destination.

  We waited and waited for someone to walk past the window where the light was coming from.

  “Maybe not,” I said, as there was still no movement inside.

  I took a few steps closer and waved for them to follow. I ran across the clearing and placed my back against th
e cabin walls.

  We walked along the side and then up the stairs. I opened the front door quietly with my heart trying to jump through my chest. No one came. I stood there for a moment and then walked inside past the table and into the kitchen where the trapdoor was. It was left open. That was not a good sign.

  I went down the steps cautiously trying not to make any noise. I reached my hand up, felt around for the string, and then pulled.

  The room was also empty, but the cell doors were still shut. I sighed and prayed that they were still in there and alive. Nikkee and Sky joined me and we walked up to the doors together.

  “You open that one and I will open this one,” I said to Sky.

  I wasn’t sure what we would be walking into. Sky was not a wolf yet, but she would have built up more strength, preparing so she could handle it a little better than our human friend could.

  I grabbed the latch and forced it up as hard as I could and then the door was released.

  I opened it and looked inside then I was on my back with a sneering face touching his nose to mine. His eyes were blacker than the night, and I looked straight into them with my own and watched as they slightly changed to a pale blue with every second.

  I heard Nikkee scream and the sounds of air being knocked out of someone. I had no idea how I did it but fear for my friends had my adrenaline kick into high gear, I pushed, and Vex went flying back into his cell. I leapt up from my back and spun to my side to see Garth on top of Sky. In a few short steps, I reached them, grabbed Garth by the back of his shirt and flung him off her. I grabbed Nikkee’s hand, pulled her to me, and moved her around behind me to where Sky was now standing up. Garth snarled and his teeth and claws were exposed. Vex on the other hand had collected himself and was standing near his cell door.

  “Hurt my friends and I will put you back in there,” I said in an authority tone.

  His breathing slowed and his eyes started dying down to a normal brown.

  “Shit. Sorry,” Garth said and added, “I thought she was one of their puppets.”