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Trinity - Defying Destiny Page 19

  I couldn’t help but grin.

  His eyes flicked to me and a death glare that made his eyes flair a brighter brown, signifying his wolf.

  “So you have turned dark side?” I observed.

  “Babe, I was already dark. Now I am just badass.”

  “Oh yeah, not as badass as me,” I said.

  “Or me,” came Sab’s voice and all five dropped to the floor.


  He leaned against the wall as if tired.

  “That took a lot of magic getting the bones and then knocking five out at once. Go get the others,” he said rushed.

  Chelsi and I turned around and went to the door.

  “Shit I need a code,” she hissed.

  I walked up and kicked the door as hard as I could. It made a loud bang but it didn’t budge. Crap.

  I looked back to the room I wanted to go into.

  On impulse, I walked over and kicked it in.

  Inside was a lab, glass vials, burners, fridges with blood vials inside. On the far wall from the fridges, was a blacked out kind of window like those that you see in police stations. I walked in and looked around. There was no one inside and right in the centre was a metal chair with what looked like titanium restraints. I walked up, touched the cold metal, and flinched back. It was meant for me.

  I looked around more, saw cameras on the celling, and frowned. Over on the far wall was a panel. I walked up and pushed the green button and the black on the panels was gone exposing my friends inside a cell room.

  I could see Steven strapped to a table, next to him was Ally and four others I had not met. They were battered and not healing.

  I looked down and saw a red button next to the green and pushed it. I heard a loud clicking sound and rushed out of the room to see the door now open, Chelsi, and Sab rushing in.

  I got to Steven and didn’t know where to start helping. He looked dead lying there in the table.

  “Why are they not healing?” I asked not expecting an answer.

  “Because they drain them of most of their blood so they can’t fight back,” Chelsi replied.

  I gritted my teeth and anger rose in me.

  My blood.

  “I need something sharp,” I called out.

  Chelsi ran over and handed me a knife she had.

  “Where did you get that?” I asked, “Never mind, get everyone out of the restraints,” I ordered.

  I put the knife on my wrist; I cringed and then pulled it across letting my blood flow out.

  It hurt, a lot but I knew it wouldn’t last. I held my wrist up to Stevens’s mouth and let the blood flow in where it was slightly open. I didn’t know how much I should give or how much I could, or if it was even going to work, but we had no other plan so it was the best I have.

  His eyes started to flutter as my blood slowed as my wrist was healing over. I was going to have to cut it again for each one.

  I moved to the next bed, and cut again, cringing all over again until finally I had given all six some blood.

  Steven was slowly sitting up and looking dazed. I knew I had not been able to give him enough, but what I had given got him out of a coma but I knew he would need to feed soon.

  “Trinity, so nice of you to join us,” came a cheerful voice.

  I looked at the glass panel into the laboratory and saw a smug man with a lot of muscle behind him.

  “Come out alone, or I will push the yellow button and you and your friends will burn in seconds.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  I walked in slowly with my hands raised. I knew we were going to be busted. We took too long, made too much noise. Two large men grabbed my arms, steered me over to the chair, and strapped me in. I looked over to the glass panel at Sab and Chelsi. I prayed he didn’t push that button and fry my friends.

  I opened myself up, we needed help, well maybe not, I still had a plan but I had to tread carefully.

  A man in a white coat came over, stuck a needle in my arm, and started taking blood.

  I looked back to Chelsi and then the door, trying to tell her to move closer to it. No one had locked it; it seems Drunt’s was too excited to have me at last.

  “So, what do you plan on doing with my blood,” I asked feeling myself get weaker and weaker from giving the others my blood to heal them and now the seventh tube was clicked in and filling up.

  He walked over to where some vials were, grabbed a needle, drew some blood in it then stuck it into his arm.

  He fell back but one of his men caught him. I frowned, looking back to the room to see the others had gone.

  I signed in relief and then I let my anger take over.

  “So who are the real monsters me or the humans?” I asked as he tried to collect himself.

  “We will be the top monsters. High up on the food chain,” he slurred.

  “You can’t turn everyone,” I pointed out just as Lachlan had done when I asked.

  “No, but those that have the money can buy immortality,” he said straightening himself up to his full height.

  “Really, so this is all about money?” I asked feeling disgusted.

  He walked over and grinned, “At first it was about finding you all and killing you. Cross, the cult that we are, we made it our life’s mission to get rid of any ungodly creator not wholly created by our God. But as times got to new ways of living, some like myself thought, why should you all have the power. We tried to use the journal for answers but the pages were empty”

  “If it is ungodly why was the power of magic given to God’s children to then use for their own purpose?” I countered.

  “Well that was what my great-grandfather thought too. So rather than destroy, we endeavoured to become this great power. Nearly lost by our friend Marie mind you. I knew you were different, more powerful than even she thought. The soldier not returning was a good example. He was one of my best,” he said with a smile.

  “Really, huh, low standards for someone so rich and smart,” I sneered.

  “But, here you are restrained and unable to do anything,” he jabbed back.

  “What makes you say that,” I said with a smirk.

  A frown formed on his face and then I made my move. I ripped my hands up snapping the metal that had me strapped down, I lugged forward and grabbed Drunt’s, turned him around so he was facing his men, with my body shielded behind him.

  “My blood will not turn you, I have to bite you first,” I whispered.

  His body went stiff and my fangs came down fast as the hunger was raw from losing so much of my strength, I latched onto his neck as he screamed out. I closed my eyes and sucked in the flavour that was rushing in my mouth. My eyes sprang open to see a man take aim with his gun, he fired. I reached out as if it was in slow motion, caught it in my hand, and then let it drop to the floor. His eyes went wide as I sucked deeper. Chelsi came in the room and I heard sickening cracks one by one and then nothing. I unlatched my teeth and let Drunt’s fall to the floor.

  I looked around the room at the dead bodies, I didn’t want any more death, but it had to be as it was. I knew that, and I actually didn’t have much sympathy for the soul I just claimed. He was a bad person that would not stop.

  “Thanks,” I said to Chelsi.

  I walked towards her ready to walk out when I stopped again. I turned to my left and walked over to a desk and sitting right on top was a leather bound book. I reached out, my hands shaking and I picked it up. “Carra’s Book of Prophecies,” I murmured. I opened the book and saw the elegant writing made by Carra. I ran a finger down it feeling goosebumps rise all over my body. I could see every word. Maybe only I could and that is why Drunt’s thought it was empty? This is what was drawing me to this room to start with. It was why I hesitated going forward, she was calling out to me.

  “Let’s go, the others are having a feeding frenzy,” Chelsi said pulling my thoughts back to now.

  I hugged the book to my chest and ran after her at lightning speed. We made it back out
side to hear guns firing and growls echoing through the air until the last shot sounded.

  I ran over and hugged Sab; he was still holding the bag of bones, “If I ever have to do so many coma spells again, it will be too soon.”

  He looked exhausted.


  That one word had my eyes zone in on Jason. I turned just in time to have his arms already around me.

  “I was so worried, I didn’t want to just stay there, but I did. God it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do,” he said muffled in my neck.

  “Sorry, it seemed like the only way, and the right way at the time,” I told him.

  “Did you leave any for us?” Lachlan asked walking up.

  “There may be some in side, but they have vials of our blood in a lab as well as the leader of the Cross…”

  A loud explosion erupted and I was thrown out of Jason’s hold into mid-air as was he and everyone else too close. I landed hard and heard a crack next to me where Jason landed. The heat was close, I turned my head to see the whole building erupted in flames.

  “What the hell…” I slurred out.

  Chelsi groaned and sitting up, “Someone must have set off the fail safe, a guard maybe. Drunt said he had one if the wrong people made their way in.”

  “The witch,” Sab croaked out. “I can feel the power again.”

  “Is she or he still here?” I asked as Jason pulled me to my feet and started checking me over.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t have any strength left so let’s not wait around to find out.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Garth and Vex turned up as we all started leaving the industrial building. They didn’t need to do anything. The soldiers would wake up to find they were out of employment and having many questions from the police once they got there. I felt good that only a few bodies were from our hand and we did what we could to spare lives, even if they were trying to kill us. Was I being naïve? Probably! But, I didn’t want it to be a war, if we were to expose ourselves it would be on our terms and not some asshat that just wanted to make more money off selling our blood for immortality.

  I knew he would not be the last to try. How many other members where in this Cross cult, that served a purpose that had gotten warped through greed and fear. Fear of death! HA! I have dodged deaths’ bullet more than once now and I have decide to no longer be afraid. I was going to embrace it the day my time finally came. Fear is what has been holding me back. Fear of losing my friends, fear of losing myself. I haven’t lost myself. I am not the bad monster I was thinking I would be, I was still a monster, but I embraced my humanity in an effort to show the others that even with two predators mixing through my veins I am not going around and killing people for the fun of it. NO! I am going to stop them and help those that don’t want to become what human myths have feared all along. I am stronger. I am wiser and by God, I was Queen and if I have to, I will become Queen Bitch to pull them in line.

  I didn’t want to be a leader but I think deep down I knew I would have to be. I have to show them that we do not have to become the monsters that we think we are. We can be better and we can still help the humans even if they don’t know it.

  The drive back to the hotel was not that long. I filled Garth and Vex in as well as texting Nikkee and Sky that we were all ok. Jason had not let them come, as he wasn’t sure exactly what mess they would be finding when they got there. Jason told us how the humans came into the club, but once the shit hit the fan and they realised, where I was they went to leave in a hurry, only they didn’t make it far and are currently being served in a free round of bloody Mary’s. He told me that not everyone will like me, or agree with what I am, but they accept the fact that I am the top dog along with Garth and Vex and if you screw with one, you screw with all of them. I will have to go back in there and thank them as soon as I have had food, shower, sleep, and more sleep. The best thing a pseudo leader can do is acknowledged those that help by putting themselves on the line to save others. Like Chelsi. In my eyes, she has redeemed herself and I will forgive her, but I think she knows that she would not want to push me. Jason thanked her as well, but she showed no sign that she lusted for him, she was actually more concerned if Steven was healing ok.


  I hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. Looking in the mirror, I no longer feared my reflection or felt the need to flinch away. If my friends and family could stand seeing my eyes go all freaky, then I could too.

  Everyone was asleep or settled for the night. Jason had come back to my room after he had showered. I left him there so I could have my own since I was waiting for Nikkee to finish hers. I had butterflies, the image of him lying there kept creeping into my mind and I kept asking myself, ‘Why are you still in here.’ I may be rushing I may not be, but the burning desire I simply couldn’t stand anymore. I was going to explode and I didn’t care what anyone thought.

  I sucked in a deep breath and let the tension in my shoulders relax. I had nothing right now to worry about. Except one thing.

  I looked myself over again, hair wet as I couldn’t be bothered to dry it. My hand went up and grabbed where the towel was held together around my body. I shut all windows and doors in mind blocking everyone out.

  Put your big girl panties on. I told myself.

  I sucked in another breath and walked out of the bathroom, down the hall and into my room. I closed the door behind me. Jason propped himself up on my bed with his elbows, his eyes turning wolfie and he smirked.

  “I warned you,” he said grinning from ear to ear.

  “So did I.”

  I sucked in another deep breath and slowly unclenched my hand, letting the towel slide down my body all the way to the floor.


  “This is channel Seven, breaking news. A Brisbane warehouse owned by Mr. Drunt has been found burnt to the ground. Fire officers on the scene said that clearly the place was set alight by someone on purpose. Bodies are being recovered. We have been told that they are unidentifiable and dental records will need to be used to identify the victims or perpetrators. A lab and what looked like cells were also discovered in the building as well as some vials of blood. It is unknown whether the blood will be able to be tested due to the heat that the fire had produced and the fire officers said it was amazing that they found much of anything at all not burnt. An investigation is already underway and Mr. Drunt has not been able to be reached. It is feared that he may also be a victim in this undeniable tragedy. Some CT footage has been salvaged but police and FBI agents have yet to look at it in the meantime military guards have been taken to a hospital to be questioned since they were all found unconscious. We will be doing live updates every half an hour. Stay tuned.”
