Trinity - Defying Destiny Read online

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  “If he had called my phone I would have done the same,” I told her.

  She gave me a small smile.

  “Wait till I see him again,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “You? Wait until I see him. I gave him my virtue and this is the thanks I get. Going on the run with my best friends, putting others in danger,” she said and tears started streaming down her face.

  “Oh Sky,” Nikkee and I both said and then we engulfed her in a huge hug.

  She cried and cried; her heart was broken. I couldn’t believe Mark had done that. I had always liked him. Stuck up for him when Nikkee and Sky both hated that he was also my friend, then he does this to her. I really, really wanted to smash his face.

  “I just feel so yuck, you know. I should have waited,” she sobbed.

  “It’s too late now. You just need to look at the future. I am sure you will find yourself a handsome wolf that will bring you deer and rabbit’s instead of flowers,” I said grinning.

  She giggled. “I like the sound of that,” she replied smiling.

  “Come on lets go meet some wolf fellas,” Nikkee said and started walking again.

  “So your wolf found a mate?” Sky said as a question.

  “Yeah, I guess she did, but I feel she had all along,” I said and I felt that was the truth.

  “What about your vampire side?” Nikkee asked.

  I stopped and looked at them both.

  “What do you mean?” I asked a frown creeping over my face.

  “Lachlan said that both find mates for life or until they die. You have vampire in you as well,” Sky answered.

  I thought for a moment, reached up and held Old Mothers tear in my hand, then answered as best and as truthful as I could. “No, I think my wolf actually wins. I have had it since birth; she simply lay dormant until I was scratched. It didn’t turn me from the scratch, because I was an immortal descendant; it was because my wolf lay inside me, sleeping the whole time.”

  “Well that’s creepy and weird. How do you know that?” Nikkee asked.

  “Cause I’m all wise and stuff.”

  “How has that worked out for you so far?” she retorted with a grin.

  “Ask me in a few more months and I will let you know.”

  “How does that make Jason your master if he didn’t actually turn you?” Sky asked me.

  “I think it could be the same theory as being bitten. He was the one to wake her, therefore, creating her to come up to the surface,” I answered not quite knowing how I knew that.

  “Makes sense. There is still so much to learn about it all,” Sky replied.

  We caught up to Garth and Vex. They were waiting for us just outside the door they had walked through. We crossed the threshold and stepped into a hotel check out room. What the hell?

  “Umm not what I was expecting, but I will roll with it,” Nikkee said.

  My mouth was hanging open slightly as I took in the elaborate furniture, timber walls with trimmed carving and large paintings of three people. Carra, Vex and Garth.

  “It is like a hotel because we need to know who is here. No one needs to pay but just sign in,” Vex told us.

  “Wow, it’s actually pretty cool,” I said.

  “How many rooms does it have?”

  “About 50. There are 10 floors below us. The area is quite wide. Some rooms have up to ten beds so we can house more if we need to,” Garth answered.

  “Where will all the cars go?” I asked.

  “We can hide them. The government doesn’t keep tabs out here with their satellites. It’s too remote and a waste of money to look,” Vex said grinning.

  “How did you get all the stuff here without anyone knowing?” I asked still looking around intrigued.

  “We just bought our own trucks and brought it in ourselves,” Garth answered.

  I couldn’t help but feel awed at what they had done. I looked up at Carra’s picture and smiled.

  “We were created to protect Sherra’s people. They no longer needed us and our own kind had turned against us so we built it to protect Sherra’s legacy and Carra’s too. We still watch over the humans and do the police work we can without being detected. Marie accused us of not pulling our own weight and doing what we were created for. We have never stopped. We are no army, we cannot help everyone, but we do what we can,” Garth said with pride.

  “I think that it is great!” I whispered smiling at them both.

  “How many others come here?” Nikkee asked.

  “Up until yesterday, ten people,” Vex answered.

  “How many do you have now?” I asked.

  “Thirty or so, with more on their way.”

  “Why that many?” I asked, yet I think I already knew the answer.

  “Some to meet you, but mostly because they are running from the people we were once created to protect.”

  Chapter Eight

  I liked the idea of ‘Mutual’, but I thought ‘Monster Hotel’ was a much cooler name. Vex and Garth had walked us over to the register to sign in. They took us for a brief tour before taking us to the elevators and down to the first floor where we found a large room, the third one down the hall. They bid us good night or rather good morning and left us alone. Lachlan had stayed with us and I think I knew why. We all needed to talk.

  “Where can a girl get something to eat around here? I’m starving,” Nikkee told him.

  “I will take you and Trinity into town after you rest, for now there are bags of blood in the fridge. It will tide you over until then,” he told us both.

  Nikkee jumped off the sofa we were sitting on and just about attacked the fridge to get into it.

  “Why don’t I feel the same hunger as her?” I asked frowning as I watched her.

  “Because you are a third wolf as well as a third immortal and they can be sustained by normal food. What we ate at the servo did nothing for us. But you and Sky are at least satisfied for the time being. Don’t get me wrong, you will still need blood. You will start to feel weak again in a few days. But what you drank from Nikkee was enough until then,” he told me.

  “It didn’t seem like I had much,” I pointed out thinking back.

  “Like I told you when I first let you in on your life. Fresh blood straight from the vein lasts a lot longer. The blood bags help, but it’s not fresh. Having a feed from a fresh source is like putting an alkaline battery in a flat toy. It springs to life and will continue to run that way if left on, for a couple of days,” he said with a smirk.

  “What do you think is going on out there?” Sky asked.

  “We are not 100% sure, but we have people working on it,” Lachlan told her.

  “Where has Jason gone?” I questioned him.

  Nikkee walked over and sat down just looking at me.


  “He has gone to help get Dustin back and clear our name,” Nikkee told me.

  “How is he going to do that?” I asked with a big frown on my forehead.

  “He is going to hand himself in to the authorities,” Lachlan said.

  I stood up fast.

  “What! No! He can’t!” I yelled.

  “He will be fine, Trin,” Nikkee said, trying to reassure me.

  I wasn’t feeling it. That is why he didn’t tell me why he had to go; he knew I wouldn’t let him.

  “What if they run tests on him? Like blood test?” I asked.

  “There is someone on the inside ready to switch the blood work from him, Chelsi and Dustin,” Lachlan said.

  “Why is Chelsi doing this?” I asked, feeling annoyed at even saying her name.

  Sky and Nikkee looked at each other and then back to me. I knew I wasn’t going to like what they were going to say and so did they.

  “They are going in as boyfriend and girlfriend,” Nikkee said in a hesitant tone and then flinched back.

  I knew my eyes had changed colour cause I could feel the anger boil up inside me as she spoke each word.

  I pinched the br
idge of my nose and closed my eyes, trying to rain in my temper. “Why?” I asked through gritted teeth.

  “Because it contradicts what Mark has said about Jason, she is going to be our alibi,” Sky told me in a calm tone as though she was cautious about approaching a dangerous animal.

  “And what is their alibi going to be?” I whispered.

  “That they were… you know ‘together’ that night. Sky was drunk at schoolies and they went to pick us all up after I had called them,” Nikkee said placing a hand on my knee for comfort.

  I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut as images of the two of them together swirled around in my mind.

  “They have a brief recording of Sky, Jason and me calming her down in the room and reassuring her she was going to be ok,” Lachlan said.

  “But I was screaming, I was going to turn into a werewolf,” Sky said sheepishly.

  “Jason is going to explain that Sky was so drunk because someone slipped her something which made her hallucinate,” Nikkee added.

  “So why do they have to say he and Chelsi are together?” I asked feeling confused.

  “Because she is not a part of our circle and Mark would have said nothing about her. It is going to show that his story is untruthful and the fact that he left out Jason having a girlfriend is kind of a big thing,” Lachlan said.

  “Why can’t we be there to back up his story? Why are we hiding?” I asked getting angry.

  “Well, for one, Nikkee will want to eat just about any human she comes across soon. She won’t be able to restrain herself,” he gave Nikkee a soft look saying, “Sorry,” then adding, “And you and Sky are both newborns, you won’t be able to control your change. You have changed about ten times since we left this morning Trinity. Do you really think you could hold yourself together while they talk about what Mark has said to betray you?” he said in a kind voice.

  I looked down at my hands and saw that my claws were out and I hadn’t even realized.

  “So we are hiding, then?” I said flatly.

  “Yes and no,” he replied.

  I raised one eyebrow in question.

  “This place is like a rehab. It is to help those that can’t control themselves. Yes, there are actual monsters out there that kill humans, but some of us do our best to catch them and destroy them all together. But if one happens to just be a loose cannon and not in control, they can come here to learn from older ones like Garth and Vex. If one of us turns another it is our responsibility to train them and help them gain control, but some beasts are untameable,” he said plainly.

  “Monster Rehab?”

  He chuckled, “Yeah, pretty much. It is as Garth and Vex said, ‘A place where you can just have sanctuary and learn to coexist with each species.’ There is still such a big rift between the species; I myself am still that way. Only I have had to learn to deal with it over the past few weeks. I believe you will bring them all together and they will learn to co-exist with each other, stop the in-house squabbling,” he said looking directly at me.

  “I still don’t get it. Why do you all hate each other?” I asked.

  He looked out over the room. “They didn’t know what they were doing, Vex and Garth. Hunger and predator instincts kicked in. They created so many and had no idea what they had done until the whispers of ‘Monsters That Roam the Night’ circulated from village to village. Stories of loved ones dying, coming back to life and trying to bite them. It was like a plague. They were hunted and concealed. Vex and Garth did what they could to help the situation, but the world is a big place. There is only so much two people can do,” he said in a sad voice. “All things that others consider beneath them are a threat. Both vampires and werewolves think they are the top dog. It’s a territorial thing. It was further fuelled by Vex when he blamed Garth for Carra’s death. Garth’s bite had spread further so Vex had blamed him for letting it get so far which lead to Carra being murdered. It took a long time for him to get over it and see it as it is,” he finished.

  I started to feel exhausted from all the new information I was getting. Finally, I was able to get some answers, but not the ones I really wanted.

  “I was wondering, why didn’t I heal from your bite if I was already becoming a werewolf? Shouldn’t that have helped heal me?” I asked him.

  He pondered for a moment and then said, “I think it was because the two infections were fighting each other. There has never been a hybrid of both species let alone one with all three. So my theory is that they were doing exactly what the Wolfs and Vamps already do.”

  “And what is that?” I pressed.

  “Fighting to see which one will take over and be top dog,” he replied with a grin.

  Lachlan left the room and returned an hour later with a bag that had three new mobile phones for us. He told us not to post on Facebook or Twitter in case they try to trace the phones’ IP addresses. He reassured us that they shouldn’t be able to as we were underground; still it made me worry more.

  I wanted to know how things were going with Jason and if Dustin was ok. I knew they would still be driving back. I don’t know why he bothered coming; we could have all fit in Vex’s car. Anger made its way to the surface again, but I pushed it aside. I knew he liked me and I guessed we were somewhat exclusive, but I still felt a pang that he was not with me and was instead with another girl pretending to be her boyfriend. I felt it was all kind of extreme, but if they didn’t do anything, we would be on the run for a long time and so would a lot of others. Nikkee had asked Lachlan if we could still go to college. He said once her hunger was under control and everything had cooled down that we could. It made me feel hopeful that we could still have a somewhat normal life for at least a few years before people started wondering why we were not aging.

   Chapter Nine

  I knew I was in the forest before I even opened my eyes because I could smell the fresh pine needle and bark like before. I had a feeling she would come to me, as she knew I needed her.


  I opened my eyes to see Carra sitting beside me on the ground.

  “Hi,” I said with a smile as if we were old friends.

  “You surprised me,” she said.

  “I seem to have that effect sometimes.”

  She chuckled, “You figured out your path. I knew you would, after all you have my blood running through your veins,” she said in a gentle tone.

  “It would have been a lot easier if you would have just told me what was going on from the start.” I said plainly, not holding back my slight resentment.

  “Perhaps you can tell me what you know, and what you have figured out,” she said amused.

  I squared my shoulders and squinted as if I was ready to sit an exam.

  “Well, I figured out that Garth was the man that was in this forest with me. Because he is my father, not sure how he can do that, but I am sure I will have to figure it out on my own,” I paused and sucked in a deep breath and continued. “I also know that I dreamt of Jason on the beach, because he is my master and I have a connection to him. However, I am not sure if it was my dream or his. I dream of Lachlan and some of his past because of the same reason. Nevertheless, dreaming of Vex was you showing me. You wanted me to see that people cared and wanted to help,” I finished and then asked, “Am I right?”

  “Yes, well done. What else?” she pressed.

  “I figured out that if I needed your help and audience, I just needed to hold your tear and ask. I figured out I have never been normal since my birth, which by the way I am still trying to wrap my head around. I know I turned my best friend into a monster and Sky is a wolf girl,” I finished breathless as it all rushed out.

  “There are many things for you to still know, but I think you have a clear grasp on the situation,” she said with a kind smile on her soft delicate face.

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “To know you will have to find my thoughts, to do so, you must go back to the beginning.”

  A loud knock sounded
through the room. I sat up fast in the soft double bed I slept in. My eyes tried to focus on where I was. The knock came again.

  I looked over to the other side of the wall where Nikkee was just pulling the covers off and getting out of the bed, then she walked past the couch over, to the door on the far side, and opened it. She closed it not long after. She had something in her hand. She walked over to my bed and handed me an envelope.

  I looked at the front of the envelope and it had elaborate gold writing with my name. I felt the bed move down as Nikkee climbed on and sat next to me, looking over my shoulder. I turned it around and opened it.

  There was just a small piece of cardboard in there.

  Would you do me the honour of joining me for breakfast in fifteen minutes? Garth.

  Clearly, he was not up with texting like everyone else.

  “Are you going to go?” Nikkee asked.

  “I don’t know. I still don’t know how I feel about him,” I said honestly.

  “You could at least let him explain,” she advised me.

  I gave her a half smile. She was right and besides, he might be able to tell me a little about my mother.

  I put the note on the bedside table getting out of bed.

  “What about clothes?” I said, looking down at my own, which I still had on from the day before. “And maybe a shower?”

  “There are some clothes over there. Lachlan brought them in a few hours ago. One of the girls went into town and picked us up some stuff. The bathroom is through that door,” she said pointing to the door on the other side of the room opposite my bed.

  I turned back to her, “Are you ok?” I asked with concern.

  She grinned and said, “I feel great Trin. I can’t quiet explain it, but I feel as though I was meant to be this way,” she paused and adding, “but I am so hungry.”

  I frowned, “I could tell Garth we can do this later. Then we can go… um…” I couldn’t finished the sentence, but thinking back to the sweet taste of Nikkee’s blood had my mouth watering and my stomach grumbling with annoyance.