Trinity - The Prophecy Read online

Page 9

  I swallowed. “What? Am I going to kill all of them?”

  He just shrugged and said, “Maybe.”

  “I don’t want to be the reason everyone dies,” I half whined.

  His expression softened, “We don’t know what is going to become of you Trinity. The Prophecy states that you will avenge them and be our undoing. It could just be the people that betrayed the Immortals. As for you claiming the war, well that could mean that you may bring peace between all beings like it used to be.”

  I pondered for a moment. I had looked at the Prophecy as if it was bad. Maybe it was going to be a good thing. I could help bring them all together as one. They must have lived like that before, from what Lachlan had said.

  “Why did they betray the Immortals in the first place?” I asked.

  “You will have to ask Vex. He never told me much. I don’t think he knows much more,” he told me.

  “Who is this, Vex? And who is he to you?”

  “He is my Master. My Maker,” he said with pride.

  “Why can’t you tell us where he is if he’s your maker?” Nikkee asked.

  He looked at her and gave a small smile. He seemed different with her. I noticed it the night before when they had been talking together. I wondered if he cared for her.

  His eyes flicked over to me fast and stared hard into my eyes, like a warning. Bastard.

  After a moment more he looked back to Nikkee and he simply said, “That is how he is. He will let me know when I can go to him. He has been around for a very long time and so have I. We don’t need to be by each other’s side like we used to.”

  “Do you have a number to reach him?” Nikkee pressed.

  “No! Like I said, He will let me know,” he said bluntly.

  Nikkee and I sighed. We seemed to be going around in circles and it was starting to get frustrating.

  “You still haven’t told me why I am having dreams about you,” I pointed out.

  “It’s like a bond. Because I am your maker, you will witness events that have taken place. They will be random. Some dreams will seem just like a dream, like we are talking now. It is the same reason I can sense your feelings. Sometimes they are so strong that I can pretty much guess what the feelings are about. Like at the club. Your fear was like a slap of freezing water in my face. Your fear became my fear only I knew it was from you so it would not override my rational thinking,” he said.

  “How did you know where we were?” Nikkee asked.

  “I can’t quite explain it, but we just know. My master told me I could never do anything without him knowing. Except I can’t say I understand what he means because I don’t get that with you Trinity,” he said as he looked to me.

  “I am confused,” I admitted.

  “I should be able to know where you are at all times but I don’t. It’s as if you are blocking me, without even knowing it.”

  “Can others do that too?” I asked

  “Not that I know of. So sometimes, I know, and it’s usually when your guard is down. When you are at least somewhat relaxed and comfortable. I sensed you were heading to the Gold Coast so I came. I walked around for a few hours near the club district and then I got you again. If you harnessed your feelings and emotions, I probably would not be able to find you at all. I must say, it is very frustrating,” he said and leaned back in his chair and just looked at me, as if he was studying my behaviour.

  “Frustrating? Why?”

  “Think of it like I am a father or father figure. I have a paternal bond and a need to protect you as any parent or parent figure would,” he stated.

  I laughed. I mean I really laughed. Tears were nearing the edge of my eyes ready to drop I was laughing that much. I took control of myself, straightening abruptly. I felt defiant and angry.

  “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never had a loving parent,” I spat out.

  Nikkee stood up and grabbed my hand. “Yes, you do,” she sighed and rubbed her thumb around in circles on the top of my hand. “My family has always loved and cared for you Trinity. My mother was always going out of her mind wondering if you had eaten. If she had her way, she would have been taking you new clothes and food every day. She wanted to wrap you up and protect you. I told her she couldn’t because you would not want it. I had to reassure her that I made sure you had lunch at school and that you would be over for dinner. She and Dad always worried, and so did I,” she finished with a gentle smile.

  I looked between her and Lachlan and started to feel stupid.

  “It’s not quite the same,” I said a little softer.

  “I know,” they both said at the same time.

  I looked at them both again, let go of Nikkee’s hand, and walked back inside, through the rooms and out the door. I felt like I was a robot. I pushed the elevator button, waited for a moment and then hopped in. I went all the way to the bottom floor, walked out of the hotel and across the road, weaved my way through some shops until I felt the sand flick up, and hit the back of my ankles. I stopped for a moment, took my thongs off, and then kept walking until I was a few meters away from the water’s edge and then I sat down.

  I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them tight, then rested my chin on top and looked out to the sea.

  The waves crashing down were soothing my mind. I did not know what happened up on the balcony. I just lost my cool and wasn’t sure why. Why was I angry at Lachlan? For me not having a good parent figure or for not having my own parents?

  “Trinity,” a voice spoke in front of me.

  I had not even realised someone had walked up to me, let alone was standing thirty centimetres away. I slowly raised my eyes up. The person was wet as the hairs on his legs were stuck down from the weight of the water on them. My eyes travelled further up to black and white Billabong board shorts that sat on well defined hips. I swallowed as I kept looking up along the muscular stomach and chest and found myself staring into Jason’s mysterious eyes.

  “You okay?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.

  “Not really,” I admitted.

  He sat down right beside me so his body was touching mine. Even though he was wet and I was getting wet, I felt a warmth on the left hand side of my body that then stretched over the back of my shoulder and neck, then the side of my face as his arm went around me and pulled me to him. He smelled so good. It was a mixture of cologne and sea salt. I inhaled deeply, then wriggled my nose as the smell was very strong. I closed my eyes and listened to his heart beating fast. He just came out of no-where, right when I needed him and yet I hadn’t realized I needed him so much until that very moment.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jason stroked my hair. I just stayed where I was. I didn’t want to move. I had never felt so safe and protected in all my life. My body felt alive, being so close to him. I felt like I was shaking as the feelings that were growing for him were taking over my whole body. My heart was pounding in my chest, I was scared it would actually jump out. I closed my eyes and listened to Jason’s rapid heartbeat like it was my lifeline, but then my mouth started to water as I thought of his blood pumping through his veins. Something sharp pricked my bottom lip and my eyes shot open wide. I did not move. I don’t think I could have, as I was frozen with fear. I knew what it was without touching it. My eyeteeth had moved down. My heart was beating so fast and I had begun to feel slightly dizzy.

  I tucked my head down into his chest to hide my face and put my arm around him. As I did that, Jason leaned backwards taking me with him to lay on the sand. I felt him move his other arm. I gently tilted my head up to see his arm laying over his eyes to block out the sun. My eyes then flicked to his neck. I moved slightly, placed my hand on his chest, and moved up until my face was in the crook of his neck. I rested my head down and inhaled deep. My mouth opened slightly and my hot breath hit his neck, causing goose bumps to rise on his skin and the pulse in his neck to beat faster. I pressed my mouth to his neck and felt his arm tighten around me. My teeth touched his skin softly
, then I felt myself yanked sharply away from him.

  I found myself face to face with Lachlan. He was holding me in place with his hands gripping the tops of my arms. I snarled and then shook my head slightly, my eyes widening in shock. I had actually snarled.

  “Calm yourself,” Lachlan said through gritted teeth.

  His hold on me relaxed enough for me to bring my hand up to my mouth and touch the point of my fangs. I jumped a little and felt them slide back up into place.

  “Who are you?” came Jason’s voice and I felt his hand rest on the base of my spine.

  “A friend, and we had been looking for her everywhere,” Lachlan said plainly.

  “Trinity!” Nikkee shouted, then she said, “Jason?”

  She walked up to the three of us, confusion evident on her face.

  “What the hell is going on Nikkee? Who is this?” Jason demanded.

  “Errrm Lachlan is my boyfriend,” Nikkee said slowly.

  “Why is he handling Trinity like that?” he growled, staring Lachlan down.

  “She’s been sick. We came looking for her and as I walked up it looked like she was going to spew on your face,” Lachlan said with a smirk.

  Jason did not look convinced. He looked to me and then to Nikkee then back to me again. The look in his eyes demanded an explanation. I couldn’t give him one. What was I going to say, ‘Oh, Jason I am sorry, you are just so hot and your blood smells too yummy that I nearly chewed your neck out’?

  “Yeah, I was about to spew. Good timing Lachlan,” I said.

  I felt my cheeks grow hot. My whole face heated up at the realization that I had in fact intended to feed on Jason’s neck. My heart raced again and I spun on my heel and marched off up the sand, away from the three of them. I didn’t make it far before Nikkee joined me and grabbed my hand.

  “You okay?” she asked gently.

  I stopped and turned to her. “No, I am not. I have stupid feelings for your brother and then I wanted to eat him. I am a monster and I just want my old life back,” I said angrily as a single tear rolled out from my eyelid and down my cheek.

  Nikkee raised her hand up and wiped it away with a gentle smile. “You are not a monster. And you would have stopped yourself from eating my brother.”

  I pulled my hand out of hers. “How could you know that? I don’t even know that. And I am a monster, how can you be so calm and think so highly of me when I am becoming a vampire or a werewolf.”

  “Because I know you and no matter what you become you will still be Trinity. You will still be my best friend,” Nikkee said with strength.

  “I don’t have your confidence. Plus, I just made things worse with Jason. He probably knows I like him now,” I said, getting hot in the face again.

  “So what, he likes you too. He is not just here because mum told him to be. It is not a chore,” she said with a kind smile.

  “But I can’t Nikkee. I can’t be with him, he will be in danger.”

  “Don’t you think that is up to him to decide?”

  I looked over to where Jason and Lachlan were standing. They looked like they were having a heated debate. I was about to try to listen in but then changed my mind.

  “I can’t tell him. Look at what happened with Sky,” I pointed out.

  “Screw Sky. If people care about you and love you they will be there even if they think it’s crazy,” she replied with force.

  “I just couldn’t. He should be with someone normal.”

  “I know my brother Trinity. I watched him over the last few years go through girlfriends like they were oil filters. I suspect it is because they could never be like you. I think he has liked you for a long time Trinity and that is why I think it should be up to him whether he can handle all your craziness,” she said with a cheeky grin.

  I felt I was too far away from him. I just wanted to walk back up to where he was and have him close to me. My need for him felt so strong that I nearly took a step in his direction, but then my stubborn side took over again. I just couldn’t.

  “Come on, let’s get ready for tonight,” I said and started walking back in the direction of the hotel.

  “Okay,” she replied and followed suit, letting the subject drop.

  “So you and Lachlan aye?” I said while pulling on my pair of jeans.

  Nikkee blushed and said, “Well, I had to think of something otherwise I think he would have knocked Lachlan out.”

  “Uh uh,” I said, raising one eyebrow.

  “Shut up,” she retorted.

  “Well, that’s better than having to say I was about to spew all over Jason,” I said and then burst out laughing with embarrassment.

  “Speaking of Jason, he will be coming with us tonight,” she said looking away not wanting to make eye contact.


  “Well, since Lachlan is supposed to be my boyfriend, he wants to play the big brother role, but I am sure it’s just so he can be close to you,” she said.

  “No! Ring him and tell him Lachlan is not coming with us.”

  “He knows I would be lying,” she said flatly.

  Lachlan had agreed to help us find some werewolves, but only if we let him chaperone us. I didn’t like the idea since they were supposed to hate each other and all. We decided to take him up on his offer, as we did not have much to go on anyway. I didn’t like our chances but we figured we could let him come with us and then go alone next time. He still didn’t like the idea of us doing this but I kept my foot down. I was not going to pick a side until I knew which side I wanted and I wasn’t going to be forced into it either.

  Butterflies had started forming before Nikkee had told me Jason was going too. They had grown out of control since then. I stood firm on my decision. I was going to have to try to avoid him as best and politely as I could. I didn’t want to put anyone else close to me in danger and the way I saw it I was doing him a favour. Would he really accept that I was turning into a monster that wanted to eat him? Would he be able to love me fully knowing that I was not normal? I didn’t want to find out that he couldn’t or wouldn’t. I wanted to protect myself as well as him and if it meant we both had to get hurt to protect him, then that is what I would have to do. Either way, one of us was going to get hurt. It was either I would get a broken heart from his rejection or he would end up dead if he got any closer to me.

  Chapter Twenty

  I was standing in the ladies room at Vanity Nightclub; it was the fanciest restroom I had ever seen. There was a friendly woman doing little touch ups on my hair. She offered a selection of perfumes for me to sample, but I declined nicely. The whole place was upper class. Lachlan had warned us beforehand. This was where we would find some werewolves. I was doubtful. I finished washing up and left a tip for the bathroom helpers. I opened the door and was instantly engulfed by music. I looked over to the area we were sitting, and locked eyes with Jason. He looked too good and the temptation was creeping its way into my mind.

  The club was busy but not over crowded like the other ones we had gone too. You could walk around without having to bump into anyone at least.

  “We need to talk,” Lachlan said in my ear.

  I jumped in surprise at his unexpected proximity. “Okay. What about?”


  I groaned aloud. “You don’t need to.”

  “Yes, I do. It is dangerous Trinity.”

  I turned and glared at him. “And what, you aren’t?”

  He stared at me for a moment, then brought his hand up to his face and pushed it through his hair. “Not as dangerous.”

  “Is this a master thing or a jealousy thing? What’s it to you anyway. Shouldn’t I be able to decide who I put in danger and who I don’t?” I ground out. I didn’t know what had come over me.

  “Perhaps you are putting yourself in danger and not him,” he said patiently. I peeked around him to see Jason. He and Nikkee were talking and he was smiling. It was gorgeous, something I rarely saw as he was always so serious and closed o

  “Whatever Lachlan. You and your riddles can bite me. I already decided to stay away so I don’t need your fatherly advice on my love life because there isn’t one to discuss,” I then stormed off towards Nikkee.

  My moods with Lachlan went on and off like a switch. I couldn’t help but put some of the blame on him for all the events that had taken place. However, I was grateful that he had let me drink some of the blood he had to perk me up rather than tricking me into feeding on an actual human again.

  “Do you want another drink Trinity?” Nikkee asked.

  I shook my head and she walked off towards the bar, leaving Jason and me alone.

  I looked sideways at him trying not to show that I was checking him out. He was leaning on the round table, he had his elbow resting on it, and was having a drink with his other hand while looking towards all the people dancing.

  “What’s the deal with Lachlan?” he asked, still looking away.

  I shrugged, even though he couldn’t see. “I don’t know what you’re asking?” I said honestly.

  “Well, he is supposed to be Nikkee’s boyfriend, but he seems more concerned about you,” he pointed out still not looking at me.

  “I guess he just does what everyone else does,” I answered.

  He downed the last mouthful of his drink, sat the glass on the table, and then turned to face me.

  “And what is that?” he asked. His eyes flicked up and down looking me over. It made me feel self-conscious.

  “Well, everyone seems to feel the need to put me under their wing and treat me like a little sister,” I said honestly, but then added, “Not that that is a bad thing.”

  “I have never treated you like a sister,” he said and turned his face away from me so I couldn’t see his expression.

  “That would have made today awkward if you did,” I said, but regretted it straight away. I had just admitted that the beach had meant more to me than I wanted him to know.