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Trinity - Defying Destiny Page 9

  “Oh no, Sab?” I said.

  “Yeah, he spelled the police station into a trance, walked in to collect them and they were gone. He compiled a tracking spell, but it's very weak. One step at a time. Whoever is behind this is smart and knows that there are witches that would have used magic. I am assuming they used some sort of cloaking spell, which means they have a witch themselves, which I am also guessing led the authorities to the woods since Mark didn’t know we would be there,” he told us.

  “Shit! I had wondered about how they found us there,” I replied.

  “They don’t think it’s a normal witch. More like a rouge one with no knowledge of why the humans would need the bones, but it can only be a witch that can move them and keep the magic stored within. Jason said that Sab told him, no witch good or bad would let a human have their sacred bones. Even for their own gain. And it was definitely a witch and humans that took them because Jason couldn’t smell any trace of wolf or vampire,” Nikkee told us.

  I sat back in my chair not realizing I had moved forward in the suspense of listening. Sky squeezed my hand slightly to let me know she was thinking the same way.

  What the hell?

  “So what are we going to do?” I asked.

  “We are going home. We need to pretend like everything is normal and that we are not immortal blood suckers and all that jazz,” Nikkee replied.

  I moved forward, reached my arms around the chair and her. She was scared, more than I was. She didn’t have a handle on her feeding like she thought. I could see it as clear as day in my mind. She was terrified she would eat her parents and anyone else she met. She had done well on her first feed, but now she had a taste for it, she just wanted more and more and that scared her as much as it scared me. Was I going to start feeling like that once my buzz wore off from her blood?

  “We will help, Nikkee. We wouldn’t let you do anything we know you wouldn’t want to do,” I said reassuring her.

  “Yes, we will all be there Nikkee,” Sky added.

  I looked down, saw Lachlan’s hand reach over and place it on Nikkee’s leg and gave a small squeeze. His way of saying, he would be too.

  Lust and longing swept over me. I wanted to reach around and grab Lachlan around the neck and crush my lips against his and…!

  “Oh God,” I said and sat back in my seat. I placed my hands on my head and hung it down. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block the image out.

  “Now you know how I feel,” Lachlan said. I could hear the laugh in his tone.

  “Shut up,” I snapped.

  “No, seriously, do you think it is fun for me? Wanting to leap into Jason’s arms and ravage him?” he asked.

  I looked up, “Really!?”

  “Yeah, really. So please work on blocking us out because it makes it quite uncomfortable trying to have a normal conversation with him,” he laughed.

  I laughed too.

  “I never thought of that. It’s kind of creepy,” I said.

  “Tell me about it,” he replied in a smart arse tone.

  “I will do my best,” I promised.

  I did not want to have images of wanting to kiss Lachlan and I definitely didn’t want to have images about Lachlan wanting to kiss Jason. It was starting to get weird. I tried to clear my mind.

  “I wonder if I can swap and choose who I want to have feel me or be able to block you all out, but keep Nikkee’s feelings and emotions just below the surface in case she ever needed me,” I said out loud, more to myself.

  “It would be good if you can do that. But don’t shut us out completely we are also your lifeline if you ever need us,” he replied.

  “Only if a witch hasn’t put a spell on you to not feel anything,” I pointed out.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The not-so-long drive home felt like it took forever. I wanted to know more about the situation, but most of all I wanted to see Jason, scrub his hand with bleach, disinfectant it, with a metal brush.

  We finally pulled into the driveway at Nikkee’s mum and dads. We came home from school in a different car, but right in front of us was Nikkee’s car.

  “Jason and Chelsi brought it back. Mum and dad know everything,” Nikkee told me in a sad voice.

  A pain came in my chest at the feeling that this was all my fault. If it weren’t for me, Jason would not have become a werewolf to protect me. I wouldn’t have put Sky in danger, she wouldn’t have turned into a beast, and I wouldn’t have bitten Nikkee making her a vampire.

  “Don’t,” Lachlan ordered from the front seat of the car.

  Nikkee and Sky both looked at me.

  I sucked in a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

  Mr. and Mrs. Jane came running out of the front door with Jason in toe. My heart started to race and then they stopped in their tracks. Jason kept walking. I turned around quickly, reached into the car, grabbed my glasses I had sat on the seat, and put them on.

  I turned back and was face to face with Nikkee’s parents; then their arms were around me. They let go and gave me a smile, turned to Nikkee, walked that step, grabbed their daughter, and hugged her so tight. Jason was right behind her. I knew it was in case something went wrong yet he was looking right at me. He had that pleading look in his eyes again. I looked to my left and saw Chelsi standing just outside the front door.

  I rolled my eyes and walked past everyone, up the path, opened the gate letting it shut after I walked through. I marched right up to the front door of Nikkee’s and my little granny flat house. I opened the door and walked in. I sucked in a deep breath and walked straight to the bathroom. Turning only the cold water on in the shower, I got undressed and stepped under the cold spray.

  The shock of the chill had me sucking in a sharp breath, but it didn’t put out the flame that was burning inside. I sat down on the shower floor, pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them, hugging myself close.

  Tears ran freely down my face, but blended with the water mixing them as one.

  I couldn’t fight the pain and hurt anymore. If Jason was meant for me then why did it have to hurt so much? Why did they still have to pretend and why did she have to have a smug look on her face? It only had me wondering how much role playing they were actually doing. It hurt, I couldn’t hide it or fight the feeling anymore. It was as if he was cheating on me right in front of my face, but pleading me to overlook it. How long was this thing going to go on for? There is only so much a person can emotionally take. I know that Jason had made it quite clear that he loved me, I know this, but because of my need it just didn’t feel like enough to have stolen kisses when no one could see.

  I wanted to be able to walk down the street holding his hand, being around the man that was mine. Not walk beside him and Chelsi hand in hand feeling like the third wheel. It didn’t seem fair and all it left behind was doubt. He was older and so was Chelsi, they probably thought I was being childish and immature, but this was my first ever boyfriend; if I had known it would hurt so much, I would have pushed my feelings aside and let him be. And I still may have to do that if my heart kept feeling like it was going to be ripped apart.

  I had stayed in the shower for a long time. It felt like hours and yet it wasn’t long enough. I had gotten out, dried myself, wrapped the towel around me and then went straight to my room. I climbed on my bed not bothering to get dressed. I could hear Jason and Nikkee having an argument in her parents’ house. I blocked it out before I could concentrate on what they were saying.

  Lachlan knocked on my bedroom door. My back was facing it, I just said, “Yeah?”

  The door opened and then closed. I could hear his quiet footsteps approach and then felt the mattress sag down as he sat next to me. He put a hand on my bare shoulder. I wanted to cry at his touch, but my tears had all been shed in the bathroom.

  “It won’t last Trinity,” he said calmly.

  “I don’t care,” I snapped.

  “He loves you,” he countered.

  “Not enough to
not care what others think,” I snapped again.

  “Trinity, do you really think this is not hurting him as much as you. Not only is he battling his own anger and torment but he is also feeling yours. In all the years that I have lived, I have only seen one other love so strong, so unbearable and that was Garth and Julie,” he said in a kind tone.

  I sat up, holding the towel to my body so it didn’t expose anything.

  “Well them, and of course Vex’s love for Carra, but I didn’t witness that, only the loss and longing for her,” he mentioned.

  “My mother died trying to be equal to Garth. Is that the love we have, that I will die trying to be equal to Jason?” I asked.

  He gave me a soft smile, “Julie died because she was betrayed. She was confused and yes, she wanted to be immortal like Garth which clouded her judgment that’s not even including the fact that she was pregnant. You are letting jealously cloud your judgment. Chelsi cannot compete with you and she knows it. That is why she is smug because she can at least pretend to have Jason, but deep down she knows that it will never be. Jason saved her, they had a small short-lived affair and that is as far as it went. Jason broke it off because he felt he was betraying you when you were not even together. I don’t even think you realized you liked him and yet he still couldn’t.”

  “Why doesn’t he tell me that?” I asked.

  “Because he is a guy. And some things are hard to explain, especially when it involves feelings,” he said sheepishly.

  “How do you know this?” I asked.

  “Because the pain is written all over his face Trinity, you just can’t see past your own to notice. He turned into a werewolf to protect you Trinity; he watched you and protected you. He loved you from afar and now he finally has you, do you not think it hurts him not being able to be with you completely?” he asked.

  I looked and stared out the window at the largest tree that could be seen. He was right, I was being unfair. Jason was in as much pain as I.

  “Chelsi needs to learn her place,” I said out loud.

  “You are the perfect person to do that,” he replied.

  I snapped my head around. “What, just walk up and punch her in the face?” I said. It’s what I actually felt like doing.

  He shrugged, “Why not?”

  “What would Jason say?” I asked.

  “Why would you think he wouldn’t want you to show that you are his and his only? It’s not like he will hit her, unless she challenges him for Alpha,” he replied with a laugh.

  “So are you saying if I walked up to her and punched her in her smug little face everyone will be ok with it?” I asked a bit confused.

  “Trinity for someone that has gained knowledge you sure need to find some more. You are the ‘Wolf Princess’, the first ever. You are second in line to the top Alpha, even over Jason. You pretty much rule the whole pack, if you don’t show them they can’t treat you like that, you will likely end up being challenged and overthrown and possibly killed. You are also the ‘Vampire Princess’ and the only living Immortal which pretty much makes you ‘Queen Bee’. Don’t let your court push you around and walk all over you,” he finished.

  I looked back to the tree. He was right, why had I not seen this before? I am Garth’s daughter, next in line for top Alpha; I was also Vex’s great-great and a lot more great’s granddaughter. I can’t show them I am weak because if they see that they can use it to their advantage, like Chelsi.

  I needed to dig deep and find the ‘Boss Bitch’ deep inside me. I can be fair and kind, but I also had to show them I was no push over and I wasn’t going to take crap from either side. It was time to show them all what would happen when you piss off the biggest monster of them all.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I had called for her after Lachlan left my room. I held my necklace and I thought of the beautiful, wise woman that is Carra. I didn’t fall asleep or at least I don’t think I did, but I ended up right in front of her, sitting on the forest floor.

  “My child, I have been waiting for you. Your pain is like an arrow piercing my heart repeatedly. Lachlan is a wise man, and has guided you in a way that will only work for you,” Carra said in sadness.

  “Why could he not have told me before I got to a meltdown stage? That is more confusing,” I pointed out.

  “As I said, in a way only fit for you. You need that pain to realize what is being said to you. Just like the final moment of deciding whether to save your friend; it is then that you realized there was no side to pick, you just needed to accept. If you would’ve been told that earlier you would not have come as far as you have. Fate works in mysterious ways,” she told me with a gentle smile on her face.

  I pondered for a moment realizing she was right. My path had to come to me the way it did in order for me to believe and to see what was needed of me.

  “I need your help, at least a little; I do not know where to find your Prophecies, but I also don’t know if I want to. I am not sure I want to find out my destiny,” I admitted picking up a dead pine needle off the ground; I started snapping it between my fingers trying to avoid her eyes.

  “Destiny and fate have many differences. You are fated to be whom you are, but defying your destiny can change the shape of fate.”

  I looked back to her, “I am confused, are they not the same thing?”

  “Yes and no. Fate is set in stone, but one can smash a boulder if they have the right tools,” her eyes bore into my own. She was trying to tell me something.

  “I didn’t think fate could be changed. If that’s the case then perhaps I didn’t need to become ‘Queen Monster’,” I said with a frown.

  “You do not have the tools to change that fate, but there are many more you can turn and change; the slightest ripple can change the course for better or for worse, you must dig deep inside yourself to find out what course destiny will take, if it is only good for you and bad for everyone else.”

  “We are exposed, you said this would happen. It is bad,” I pointed out.

  “For who, you or everyone?”

  “Everyone and myself,” I replied.

  “Ah, you are only seeing the bad, could it be possible to be accepted and fit into the human life as you are rather than hiding? Is that why, or is it another reason? Something else that may be coming, a need you exposed for that one moment? Life is a series of tests, Trinity. I knew my fate was coming; I did nothing to stop it. I accepted it like the love of my daughter. Vex always asks me why, why not stay and fight, and yet if I did, would you be here today?” she said and reached her hand out. Her feather light touch ran down my cheek as she stroked it.

  “Are you saying you sacrificed yourself for me?” I asked feeling guilty.

  “No, child, I did it for all of you, to come to this very moment.”

  “But you dying has had a very bad effect, psycho vampires and werewolves attack innocent people all of the time,” I said slightly angry.

  “There is always bad with good Trinity. Yes, the monsters, as you call them, have not all been good, but most are. Help guide them, fix what was once started, find my book and know the truth in all things to come. Have faith in me and most importantly have faith in yourself, my child.”

  I opened my eyes. I was still sitting on the bed where Lachlan left me. I had not fallen asleep, but rather travelled to her.

  I jumped off the bed in a flash and raced to my cupboard. I grabbed some clothes and quickly put them on. I didn’t brush my hair; I just marched straight out my bedroom door, down the hallway into a lounge room filled with people.

  Everyone stopped at my abrupt entrance. Garth, Vex, Nikkee, Sky, Lachlan, Jason and Chelsi were all standing around chatting when I walked in.

  I looked to each of them, clenched my fist, walked right up to Chelsi and punched her in the face. I didn’t think I punched hard, but her body was lifted off the ground and thrown across the room smashing into the wall. The force of the impact made a large hole. She looked around for a moment, her eye
s were filled with fear when she looked into mine before they closed.

  “I will get that fixed,” I said turning to Nikkee.

  “That was freaking awesome,” she beamed.

  “Totally bad arse, Trin,” Sky said.

  “That’s our girl,” Vex, Garth and Lachlan said at the same time.

  “No, that’s my girl,” Jason said as he walked up, grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine.

  The kiss was brief, but it was intoxicating and they were all aware. I beamed inside. I felt better. I’d wiped the smug look off Chelsi’s face and showed her who the boss was.

  He pulled apart from my lips, looked me straight in the eyes and said, “I am sorry, you know that right.”

  I sighed, “I know, I am sorry too.”

  “It makes me angrier that all of this was for nothing,” he said.

  I took a step back. “What do you mean?” I asked, worry swimming through my veins.

  “They know, they know for sure. The other vampires and werewolves that fought against us have come forward and exposed themselves to the people that took the spirit bones. They also followed Steven back to ‘Mutual’ and the place is nothing but rubble now. Ally was taken captive and a few others. None of us are safe now Trinity, especially you,” Jason said sadly.

  I took another step back so I could see them all. “So what, a price has been on my head since birth, right? I am still here, I am still alive. We will find out who these people are and get our friends back,” I stated. I looked to Sky, she looked sad.