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Trinity - The Prophecy Page 15

  “Then how did you…” I trailed off, not sure what I was asking.

  She sighed as if annoyed. “It was a spell and a very hard one. Not just because I was changing form and my voice, but also because it has been so hard to get you alone. The opportunity’s I have had, had been unsuccessful.”

  “Opportunity’s?” I mimicked as a question.

  “Yes, the night of your birthday and then a few nights ago when you followed the wolf. I didn’t see your friend getting in the way, and becoming a monster as well,” she said.

  “So you changed yourself to be a wolf?” I asked, getting confused.

  “No silly girl. I charmed them to be my puppets. Their strain of wolf is weaker than Jason’s because he is a descendent of the Alfa. They are easy to attach strings to, and have them do as I please,” she said with a proud grin.

  “But why, what did I do to you?” I asked as I was getting more confused.

  “You are going to choose the wrong side,” she said.

  “I haven’t chosen a side yet,” I countered back.

  “I don’t want you choosing any side. I am going to take back what was given.”

  I looked at her and frowned. She turned around, went over to the far side of the room, and grabbed a chair that was sitting there, she bought it over and sat down in front of me.

  “I like you Trinity. I truly do. It is a shame you were caught up in the squabble that has been going on since the day Immortals, Vampires and Werewolves were created. Have you been told the history?” she asked.

  I shook my head answering no.

  “It started way back, back in a time when our homes were nothing more than straw and sticks. When animals ruled over us and we were the dying species. It was a time when all hope was gone and there was only one person that could help us,” she said and leaned in, placed her hands on the sides of my face.

  A light started to glow and my eyes started to roll to the back of my head.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “Sherra was the leader. The witch of the tribe. Every night she would sit with the bones of the dead waving her stick and singing a mournful song. Her cries could be heard from within the forest as she called out for the spirits to aid them and help them live.

  Man was dying, one by one. They were starving and being killed trying to hunt to feed the tribe. After a while, they started killing each other, fighting over scraps of food. Sherra could feel every pain and sorrow that would come to pass. Everyone looked to her, she was their spiritual leader. She tried as she may to speak with them, but to no avail.

  One night while the moon was near its brightest Sherra had a dream. A voice spoke to her and said she must create to survive. Praying to her ancestors in her dreams, she saw three beings appear. One was slightly pale and had sharp teeth that rose out from their gums. Another looked similar only their fingernails grew out to a sharp point. The last was a woman that looked smart, patient, and full of knowledge.

  Sherra awoke and called the tribe to the sight of bones. She knew what to do. She looked up to the sky and then out to her people. ’The moon will bleed tonight. I need three things before the bright day star falls or all hope is lost. I need a wolf, a bat, and the blue and white flower that blooms at the top of wisdom rock.’

  Everyone looked from one to the other. Not sure what was going on. They were desperate too, and they all gave a nod.

  ’You must only go as one. You can only hunt alone,’ she added.

  They all frowned and began whispering amongst themselves.

  There were only 44 of them left, three of them young children. She walked up to each one and gave them a blessing with her stick of bones.

  One by one, they walked off.

  Carra was the first to reach Wisdom Rock. Only the spiritual leader ever went up there. She hesitated and looked harder. The rock was not just a rock but also a mountain that was steep with razor sharp rocks and silky smooth edges to aid in anyone’s end. She thought for a moment. This was not a test of strength, but rather wisdom. That is why the rock is named this. Every Spirit leader had to climb this rock to become a leader. It took wits and brains to climb it. There must be an easier way than what meets the eye.

  Carra was no Spirit Woman but she was smart, one of the smartest in the tribe. She placed her foot at the base of the rock and took a step to the left and then another. She continued that way as she made her way around and around the rock. Up and up she walked changing her footing every so often. There was no path to be seen, but she could sense there was one from the way the rocks sat and which way the points arose. She made it to the top and in the very centre of the flat area was a blue and white flower that had bloomed from within the centre crack. She walked up cautiously and bent down to rest on one knee. She cupped the flower in her hand and looked in awe, then her eyes averted to the sky. The flower looked like that of a river mimicking the sky and each time of the day.

  She plucked the flower from the rock and carefully still cupping it in her hands, made her way back down the rock of wisdom and back to her tribe.

  Garth was the largest of his tribe. He was the hunt leader and knew just what he needed to do. He took each step into the forest with caution and stealth. He inhaled deeply, drawing in all the smells and scents that hung in the air. He had never caught a wolf before. They were too quick and could kill in a seconds notice. He had lost many men before to this creature, but he was determined to prove his worth to Sherra.

  His foot snapped a twig and he paused. He knew a pack was nearby, they always were, waiting to feed on injured hunters.

  He stood up straight and thought for a moment. He must outsmart the beast in order to catch it.

  He started gathering sticks and with a sharpened stone, he made them into piercing points. After he had done what seemed like hundreds he walked around in a large circle pushing a pointed stick in the ground with every step.

  Once he made it back to where he started he sucked in a deep breath and ran into the circle of sticks that he made about a kilometre in diameter and screamed and roared as loud as he could. Once he neared the center, he could hear scurrying and howls. Then a yelp.

  He grinned and made his way to the perimeter of the boundary of sharp sticks he had set up and walked around the edge until he found a wolf that had gotten a stick stabbed into his shoulder.

  He walked over with pride and fear as he approached the beast that many could never out run and could never deceive. The wolf yelped again trying to pull himself free. Garth knelt down and stroked the head of the beast. It tried to snap at him. He moved his hand back and with a quick strike, he drove his spear into the heart of the wolf.

  Vex was the quiet one, he moved with ease and often ended up scaring people. This came in handy on a hunt. He walked up to the cave that was nestled on the other side of the river. He thought about the bats for a moment. They always seem to find their way with ease even in the dark. The animals they kept in the tribe to fatten up often would be found with a bat latched onto it. Yet it didn’t look like they were eating it, more like drinking the animals blood.

  He looked down at his exposed chest and then the hide that was wrapped around his bottom half. He thought for a moment, lifted his hand up to his face, and looked. It came to him in an instant. Perhaps they could smell blood. Then how was he to sneak in and go undetected if they will smell him before he can even see one of them.

  He looked to the river and then walked to the water’s edge. He dug his hands in grabbing at the floor and pulled his hands out holding wet mud. He put his hands to his chest and rubbed, then bent down and grabbed more and more until his whole body was covered all over with the thick brown dirt.

  He averted his eyes back to the cave, took a step closer and closer until he was nothing but darkness.

  He took caution with every step. He could not see well and the light from the entrance was disappearing fast. He was now one of the bats. He relied on his ears, nose and the touch of his fingers to help him walk into
the dark cave.

  Walking blindly for so long he almost gave up hope and was going to turn back, when he heard a noise above his head, then another, and another. It was like standing under a leafy tree that was blowing around in the wind. He smiled; he knew what he was looking for. He just needed to catch one.

  He reached a hand up and could not feel anything yet the sound did not seem that high. With his hand on the wall he felt for a ledge or a small crest that he could use to pull himself up. After moving along the wall, he found some rocks that were poking out from the cave. He pulled up and found another and another. He reached a hand out and felt the small creature. He grabbed it quickly and dropped down.

  His landing echoed through the whole cavern sending the bats into a flying, screeching, flurry as they left the cave from the fright of the noise.

  Vex crouched down on the cave floor and waited for them to leave. The bat in his hands was struggling to get free. He turned around and walked out of the cave. He looked at the bat in his hands as it was biting him. He let go with one hand and snapped its neck. The tiny little thing that causes so much grief now lay lifeless in his hands. With pride, he walked over the river, crossed it and made his way back to his tribe.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  All three made their way back and arrived just before sunset. Their journeys had been long and tiring. Others returned with no luck and only Carra, Garth and Vex had been able to do as Sherra asked.

  Sherra was waiting in front of her house of bones with the look of pride on her face as the three made their way up to her with their treasures.

  Carra placed the flower down in front of old mother and then knelt on her knees. Garth placed the wolf next to the flower and did as Carra had done. Vex, still covered with an amount of mud did the same. They looked at her and waited as the large Daystar slipped below the horizon with a bright red and orange glow and the moon started to rise.

  Sherra sang with her stick of bones for hours. The whole tribe was waiting with anticipation to find out how those three could save them.

  The moon started to change colour from white to red. Sherra grabbed three bowls and placed them in front of the three saviours.

  She knelt down and picked up the flower that had not even begun to wither. She placed it in the bowl and crushed the flower with the edge of her stick, then reached out and grabbed Carra’s hand. Sherra grabbed a sharp rock and sliced into Carra’s wrist. She winced from the pain but did not move.

  Sherra pulled her wrist over the bowl and let the blood hit the flower. She then stirred it in, picked up the bowl, and handed it to Carra.

  ’You have the spirit of an Old Mother even though you bear no child. You will help guide us and help us evolve through the ages. Time will stand still for you so you can nurture us all for many generations to come. Drink and claim your place,’” she said.

  Carra did as Sherra said and drank the flower and her blood.

  She then held out a little green type of being. ’With this seed from the flower of wisdom the child you bear inside will blossom like the flower of wisdom. Eat this seed let it help grow and keep safe, letting a new era of man begin,’ she said and placed the seed in Carra’s mouth.

  She swallowed the seed and then bowed down to Sherra with her palms flat on the floor, thankful for her gift as she was the only woman in the tribe that had not bared a child. A tear rolled out as the joy of bearing her own made her smile with hope and happiness.

  Sherra moved to Garth, she got her knife and stabbed it into the wolf's chest and cut out its heart. She placed it in the bowl and crushed it with her stick muttering a song. She then grabbed Garths hand, cut his wrist, and let the blood fall into the bowl and then she stirred it together.

  ’You have the spirit of the wolf. When there is prey you will hunt with stealth, speed, scent and hearing. You will help feed and protect us for generations to come. Time will stand still so you can help many in that time. Drink this and become one with the wolf,’ she said.

  Garth did as he was asked. He drank every drop and then bowed down to Sherra with his palms to the ground, thankful for the gift to help his people and many more. A tear rolled out of his eye as he was filled with pride.

  Last Sherra moved to Vex. She grabbed the bat and pulled its teeth out, placed them in the bowl, then tore off the bat's head and let the blood drip in the bowl. She crushed its teeth with her stick and then grabbed Vex’s hand and cut his wrist and let the blood fall into the bowl then she stirred it around.

  ’You have the spirit of the bat. You will hear enemies as they approach. You will sense danger when it is near without having to use your eyes. You will help protect us from enemies and dangers to secure a future for us and our young to come. Drink this and become one with the bat,’ she said.

  Vex did as he was asked and drank every drop. He then bowed low to the ground with his palms on the ground. A tear rolled out of his eye as pride swelled inside that he was now the tribe’s protector.

  Sherra sang out, ’These three are our protectors. Our guidance and our future. Celebrate our new found hope.’

  The tribe sang out loud as Carra, Garth and Vex stayed bowed down to the ground. They were frozen. Fear started to rise as they felt their body and mind change. Adrenaline sped through them. Carra screamed out as it felt like her head was going to explode. Garth screamed as his teeth changed shape and forced their way out of his gums and his nails grew thick and sharp. Vex screamed as the noise grew loud and piercing in his ears and his k-nines began forcing themselves down from his gums.

  Old mothers’ chants stopped and then the screams died. All three closed their eyes and felt peace for the last time.

  The morning star rose and brought a new light upon the tribe as Carra, Garth and Vex awoke. They looked to Sherra who sat still on her thrown with her eyes open, but no breath coming from her body. It was a sad day. Sherra only had one daughter and a son that was too young to take her place. The children sat with her decaying body and wept for what seemed like hours afterwards.

  The three took charge and set out to do what was bestowed upon them. Garth hunted and bought back many kills. Vex scoured the land and found enemy tribes that were on their way. Vex had killed most of them and drank his fill of blood.

  Carra was leading the tribe to build better housing and found a better safer way to obtain water from the river. She insisted that they were living in the wrong place, but she was not going to move the tribe until Sherra’s body was nothing but bones so they could take them and the other spirit bones with them.

  Sherra had sacrificed herself for the good of the tribe. Giving all her energy to The Three so that her people could survive. Carra took her children as her own while waiting for her own to be born. She felt it was her duty. She was after all Old Mother. The tribe rejoiced them and did what they could to help. They looked at them as if they were Gods. They had food, they had safety and they were growing in mind and in body. They were moving forward into a new time. No longer did they have to scurry around and hunt vermin when no kill would come. No longer did they need to kill for the last piece of meat. They could live in harmony and health. They were not going to perish.

  Days had passed and the three had come together. Vex had told them of his new feeding habits. Carra forbade him from feeding amongst the tribe. Garth told them of his kills and how he had eaten a whole deer raw and Carra had told them of her visions. Her glimpses into the future.

  They were all scared and yet fierce at the same time. All three agreed that they must keep it to themselves so they did not scare the tribe as they had only just stopped being feared.

  Sherra’s body finally went to bone and Carra told the tribe they must move on to a better place. A place where a stream was close by and had plenty of food. A place so high up they would not be swept away with water and where the earth was so fertile they could grow their own food. She had found such a place while the months passed and she waited for her child to come and for Sherra’s spirit to le
ave her flesh and be soaked into the bones that were left. She knew without question that the spot she picked was for them. There were neighbouring tribes that Vex could feed on, and now that he knew he did not need to kill them he would go undetected. Garth would be able to make many kills and trade with their neighbours. It was going to be the perfect place. The place they could live in peace, flourish with children, and grow. All the while, they would stand as they were in time.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The light disappeared and I was back in the room facing Marie. I just blinked.

  “You see now. I am a descendent of Sherra’s and I am going to undo her mistake,” Marie said.

  “Undo what?” I asked and then added, “She gave her life to save her people I do not see the mistake.”

  “She created monsters that have plagued this world for far too long,” she sneered.

  “With everything great comes a downfall,” I said and surprised myself, not sure, where it came from.

  “It killed Sherra to create the monsters and I am going to avenge her just like her children did and her children before. Only I know what needs to be done. I needed the Immortal with wisdom, the Alfa of the wolf and the Lord of the bat all as one again. I will kill all three to undo what was created and then leave the world in peace,” she said with pride.

  “I have no wisdom. I have been doing nothing but asking questions since I was born,” I pointed out.

  “It is coming Trinity, you just haven’t let it in. Carra did and she was a wise woman, but not wise enough to save herself.”

  “So what? You are just going to kill all three of us and that will undo everything?” I asked.

  “I only need to kill you Trinity, but I have Garth and Vex just in case.”

  I swallowed hard, “Why just ME?”

  “Because you hold the magic of the Three until you change. Carra told Sab the son of Sherra that ’a day will come when all three are in one and everything can be undone.’ She gave a prophecy to him that he held inside with his hate for her and the other two for killing his mother. Yes, Carra cared for the boy and girl a great deal, but it did not kill the flame of hate that was burning deep inside Sab. He loved her and hated her all at once. Carra’s mistake was teaching him and his sister Eba the magic of Sherra. That is how she came to meet her downfall,” she explained.