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Trinity - The Prophecy Page 16

  “I thought that it was the wolves and vampire that killed her,” I said.

  Marie laughed loudly and then went serious. “Puppets my dear. Just as I have done to try and get you before, only I had to do it myself in the end.”

  “So Sab and Eba used their magic to hypnotize the vampires and werewolves to kill her?” I asked.

  “No, child, her death did not come for many generations, but it was Sab that had passed it onto his son and his son’s daughter, so on and so on until the time to strike was right.”

  “What about Eba?” I asked.

  “Ah Eba,” she said and then stared off and added, “Eba was a fool, she loved Carra and all her children did also. She and Sab had fought over it many times. Sab believed that Carra had bewitched her like she had the Tribe.”

  “Do you believe she bewitched her?” I asked.

  “Of course, my dear. That is why we are where we are,” she said in a light tone.

  “How could she bewitch them if she was a woman of Wisdom?”

  “Because she was smart enough to get anyone to believe her,” she said.

  “Sab believed the prophecy and so do you. So you also believe what she has spoken,” I pointed out.

  “Hmm, I suppose. Yet, I do not believe anything else.”

  “I think you’re a stupid old bat that has nothing better than to settle an old score that had nothing to do with you,” I spat out getting angry.

  Marie stood up fast. “It has everything to do with me,” she yelled. “You lot are nothing but a plague and do nothing for the people. Vex is not out there protecting anyone. Garth is not feeding the starving. And you,” she said and leaned in close so her face was right in front of my own, “you have not done anything to help anyone,” she said with a sneer.

  I recoiled away from her and she laughed.

  “I have more power than the others did; they had tried and tried for many generations to rid the Immortal line. Carra was the first created and some believed that with her line gone, then all others would fall. Only the line kept slipping on by. Did you know that Carra did have her child, yet no one knew? She did not even keep the child by her side, she hid the child. Everyone just thought that Sherra did not have enough power to grant her the one thing she desired. Even Sab and Eba did not know. It was only when Carra was dying and she told the prophecy of her child’s child that they found out. After that it was a quest to find the hidden immortal and I have succeeded,” she said with a proud look.

  “Perhaps she was being a mother in another way,” I pointed out in Carra’s defence.

  “Please, a real mother never abandons her child,” she said with disgust.

  “My mother abandoned me. Up until a week ago, I thought it was because she didn’t love me. Now I know it was to protect me. Did you know I have spoken with Carra?” I asked her. She just looked at me.

  “She came to me in what seemed like a dream. She spoke to me and helped guide me. I am guessing she did the same with her own daughter and all of her descendants after that. She was a mother and a good one, I know it and I know deep down that mine was too,” I said with pride and I knew my words were true as I said them. I knew Carra had helped guide all of her Immortal descendants and had warned them of their fate. That is why my own mother abandoned me. To protect me so I was not found. Carra had told her she would die and that I would if I was not put somewhere safe. I knew that my mother had done it with a heavy heart. She was young, scared and alone and she did the only thing she could do and that was to ensure my survival.

  A tear fell from my eyelid as pride swelled inside at how brave and caring my mother was and how much she had loved me to sacrifice herself so I could live and be safe. What more could a child want, unconditional love and safety. I may have had a crap upbringing, but I was safe.

  “I am done with your nonsense. You will die in two days’ time, the time of your change and the new blood moon. You have no power here because my clan is using all of their powers to make it so. Rest while you can and dream your immature dreams of so called loving mothers,” she sneered and turned away, pulled the string, turning off the light and went up the stairs.

  When she closed the trap door it left me in nothing but darkness. I tried to look around the room, but it was no good. There was nothing to see. My body sagged in defeat. I could not think of a way out. So much for having wisdom bestowed upon me. Besides Marie was right, Carra did not save herself, or see her end, so what could I do? I was powerless with all their witching voodoo going on up at the table. I didn’t have many powers to start with so there was nothing left but to perhaps welcome my defeat. No more questions, no more cares. I would be letting down everyone, even myself, but I could not see any other way. I could not think of my next move. It is not as if I had been in this situation before and knew what to do. Do I give up? I wanted to. I wanted to close my eyes and be at peace. I wanted everything to be good and most of all I just wanted to be normal, but did I really? I had found some new friends. I liked Lachlan; even though he was a royal pain in my arse, I liked him. I considered him my new annoying bossy friend. I didn’t really know Dustin but I felt like he could be just like Lachlan. Then there were my two best friends, Nikkee and Sky and then Jason. He had not betrayed me after all and Nikkee had been safe since Marie, aka fake Jason, had brought me here, but what would happen if her spell works, what if it killed them all not changed them to normal, then four out of five of the people close to me would die, and I along with them. Nikkee would be left alone, no brother, no best friend only her parents. Would she survive it, could her heart mend? I had a feeling that the answer would be no. Where I go she goes, that is what she has always said.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  I must have fallen asleep because I awoke with a fright as someone opened the trapdoor and made their way down the stairs. The light came on and a man walked over to me. His face was marred with scars and his hair was turning grey. He did not look at me he just walked over and pulled out a syringe. I tried to pull away only nothing happened. I was bound tight. He pushed on the crook of my elbow and then stuck the needle in and pulled the end of the syringe back drawing out my blood. Once it was full, he pulled the needle out and stuck a cotton ball with tape over where the needle had went in. He still did not look at me, he just turned around and left leaving the light on.

  I could see the whole room again even the doors to the cells. I couldn’t hear anything in them. I wondered if they were still alive or if the walls were sound proof. The chair I was in was bolted to the ground so I couldn’t move it and my hands were so tightly bound that it had cut into my wrist. Another downside to being a prisoner completely tied up was I really needed to go to the toilet, and I desperately wanted to have a shower and brush my teeth.

  I sat there for what seemed like hours not doing much at all except hanging around. Well, mainly, because it wasn’t like I could go anywhere. My clock was ticking and I didn’t know how I was going to get out of the situation.

  I heard a noise upstairs and then the trap door opened. A man walked down the stairs. He had a knife in his hand, my eyes flicked to his face. He had short wavy brown hair and small wrinkle lines on his face. He looked gentle but then again so did Marie. I cringed back, I didn’t want to die. Not like this anyway. Not yet.

  I went to let out an all mighty scream as the fear was exploding out of me. He pushed his hand over my mouth and muffled it, brought the knife down and then sliced my bonds that had me tied down. He slowly let his hand fall from my mouth as if he was making sure I was not going to scream again. He put his pointer finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet.

  I gave a nod to let him know that I understood. I flicked my eyes to the cells. He shook his head and pointed to his watch. No time. Shit.

  He waved his hand for me to follow. I stood up, feeling shaky after sitting for so long. He grabbed my arm to help me. I felt weak again, drained and I knew it was because I needed to have blood or food; or both and my stomach agreed as
it gave a grumble. I winced at the noise, but the man just ignored it.

  He walked me over to the stairs and he started climbing up slowly. I followed suit and tried to make as little noise as possible.

  We stepped out into the brightly lit kitchen. I looked around and saw no one. It was all quiet.

  He walked quietly into the lounge and dining area. The table had no one in it now, but at the table, there was a map with crystals, bones and stones on it. I stopped and looked at the circled part. It was around the Yarraman area. Crap, if that’s where I was then I was a long way from home.

  The man pulled my arm, walked me to the front door, and opened it quietly. We stepped outside into the night air. I looked up at the sky and frowned. It was so close to being a full moon.

  He pulled me across the porch and down the three steps and then we were running. I looked back at the cabin. I promised myself I would be back for Vex and Garth then I turned back and ran with the stranger that was helping me.

  The strong smell of pine was in the air as we ran through the woods. I tripped on a log, but the hold on my arm helped me get right again. I pulled back and forced him to stop. I dropped to my knees. I was tired and hungry and I just had no energy.

  “We must keep moving before they find you,” the man said.

  “We have been running for ages,” I whined.

  “Not far enough, they will find you if we are not out of the hot zone.”

  “How much further?” I puffed out.

  “Not much further.”

  I sighed and forced myself up, to keep running.

  We ran for what seemed like a longer time than ’not far‘. I had seen the edge of the trees in the distance and forced myself to run faster. We reached them and came to a hold at the tree line. It was like a dirt path and on the other side were another lot of pine trees. The man walked fast down the path.

  “Are we past the hot spot?” I asked, still breathing heavy from running.

  “Yes, but only just.”

  As we walked further the moon shown more as the clearing opened up to reveal a figure at the end of the path. I froze.

  “It is ok, he is here to help.”

  My shoulder relaxed a bit and I started walking again. The person started walking towards us, and then they were running.


  My heart skipped a beat, my legs felt like they were going to collapse and then he was there, his arms went around me and then his lips were pressed into my own.

  I sagged and he supported my weight. I brought my hand up to his head and pushed my fingers into his blond hair. My mouth opened, inviting him to kiss me more. My other arm went around him to hold him to me. Nothing else mattered than this very moment. This moment that I was scared of, insecure about, but as our tongues met for the first time, I knew it was right. Every hair on my body stood up and my skin rose from goose bumps. My stomach fluttered and my fingers were shaky as it sat in his hair. His lips warm against mine, his tongue soft and caressing. I did not want this moment to end.

  Jason broke our kiss; his eyes a bright green and his nails long and sharp. I gave him a half grin, I was embarrassed and flustered. I felt like I had just run that whole way again. All from one kiss.

  “Jason, we must get her to safety,” the man spoke.

  Jason looked away for a moment and gave a nod. He grabbed my hand and steered me towards where he had been waiting.

  His hand was warm in my own. His claws were still out, but they slowly started retracting back.

  I looked up at him as he turned to me and smiled. It was mesmerizing. It looked like a weight had been lifted off his shoulder.

  We reached the end of the path and Jason’s car was there waiting. He opened the door for me. I turned to the man that saved me.

  “What is your name?” I asked.

  “You wouldn’t like to know it,” he said.

  “How could you say that, you just saved me?”

  He sagged his head a little and said, “Sab.”

  I blinked a few times and then asked, “The Sab?”

  “No, he is however a part of my bloodline and I was named after him,” he said.

  “So you and Marie are related?”

  “I am afraid so,” he said in a sad voice.

  I smiled and started walking towards him. I stopped right in front of him and then threw my arms around his shoulders. “Thank you Sab,” I said, kissed him on the cheek then I stepped back.

  He gave me a small smile.

  “It’s not your fault your related to a homicidal bitch Sab or that you are descendent of the man that wanted Carra dead from the beginning,” I said with a smile.

  “Oh child, it wasn’t Sab that wanted her dead, it was Eba. I think you may have not been told the whole truth. Eba hated Carra because she felt Sab had betrayed their mother by loving Carra the same as Sherra. It is petty I know, but Eba herself also loved Carra the same way, so she actually hated herself more. This conversation will have to wait; they will be awake soon as the potion will be wearing off. Go now. And stay safe,” he said and gave us a smile and walked back into the forest.

  I watched as he went. I felt hesitant.

  “Trinity we must go.”

  “I can’t,” I said turning to face him.

  “You have to,” he said as he opened his door.

  “I promised that I would go back and save Vex and Garth. They have my blood Jason. The ritual can probably go ahead without me being there.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Jason made me get in the car. He promised we would think of something, but for the time being we had to get away from the witches.

  He held my hand while he drove and I just looked out the window. It seemed silly that this whole thing was over someone being angry with themselves for loving someone more than they should. Carra, Vex and Garth did not know that Sherra was going to die. If they had, I wondered if they would have still agreed. It seemed like Sherra’s memory and sacrifice was in vain. Her own children or one of her children could not handle the fact that their mother had died to save them and the rest of the tribe. I felt like slapping Marie and calling her selfish and ungrateful, but I don’t think she would think so. Why carry around a grudge and hate for the Three, for thousands of years? Sure, they were not helping people as much now, but I was sure that they had done a lot of good and it had helped Sherra’s family name live on.

  Jason had asked me many questions about whether I was hurt. That it was not him that was in the side street.

  I had asked about Nikkee and he reassured me she was fine. After she had spewed, she had called them. They found her ten minutes later and started going frantic.

  “Lachlan knew it was witches as soon as Nikkee said it was me that was there,” Jason said.

  “Did he think it was Marie?” I asked.

  “Not until we went to her house and found she was not there when she had said she would be. Especially when it involved helping you,” he said.

  “How is Sky doing?” I asked.

  “She is doing better. You both will have a big night tomorrow. She has come to terms with it anyway, which is sooner than I thought after the way she carried on when you told her.”

  “Maybe it helped because deep down she already knew. It was less to wrap her head around. She was pre-warned only she didn’t believe it until it became a reality,” I said.

  “She and Nikkee are talking again,” he said then added, “Well, I wouldn’t say Nikkee has been talking while you were gone, I don’t think she has had a dry eye the entire time.”

  Jason had called Lachlan to let him know I was safe. Lachlan knew. I knew he did because I felt myself change slightly as soon as we crossed the boundary. It was like a force field of thick smog running through the edge of it.

  Jason pulled into a truck stop and parked the car. He opened his door and hopped out. I did the same.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

  “You need to eat, shower and sleep. We c
an do all three things here,” he answered and opened the back door, pulling out a bag.

  “How do you know Sab?” I asked as I walked around to the other side to meet him.

  “I met him not long after Garth changed me. He and Garth have been friends for as long as Sab can remember.”

  “Is he going to try and save Vex and him?”

  “No, not yet. We need numbers, but it’s hard to know who is and isn’t on Marie’s puppet string,” he said.

  “I don’t think all of them are. I think they are under the illusion that it will just change them back to being human. That is not what Marie has planned. I could read between the lines. She wants to rid the world of the filth not change them back,” I stated.

  He thought for a moment and then shook his head, “Go shower, I will order you something to eat then we will discuss it more.”

  I did as he said and I was thankful for it. I felt refreshed and new. I walked into the eating area and found Jason at the counter. He smiled at me as I approached.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Much,” I replied as he leaned in and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes at his touch and mentally sighed.

  “Our order is ready, let’s go sit,” he said and grabbed the drinks off the counter that he ordered.

  I could smell the coffee and my mouth started to water.

  I sat down and was expecting Jason to sit opposite me, but instead he slid into the booth next to me and handed me my drink. I took a big mouth full and sank into the seat as my body screamed for more. More of what? Jason or the coffee? Both I thought and then grinned.