Trinity - Defying Destiny Read online

Page 18

  She frowned slightly. “Well, he needs to get over himself,” she said with bite.

  “Yeah, probably,” I replied.

  “You ok Sky?” I asked.

  “Never better,” she said with a grin.

  She was still too quiet. It bothered me and it bothered me she would not tell me why. I was hoping it was because of Ally.

  Jason had brought us back our drinks and we finished them. Then he got us soft drinks as he said we needed to stay clear-headed. The glasses were emptied yet again and I volunteered to get more.

  A few people smiled and bowed their heads as I went past them. I smiled and kept walking.

  A female was behind the bar instead of Steven, which made me feel more anxious and sad. It was the first place we had met. I liked Steven, not in a romantic way, but in a friendship way. I thought we could be good friends with his quick wit and sense of humour if only he got past the whole hating my boyfriend part.

  “What can I get you love?” the girl asked.

  “Another round for the table over there,” I said.

  “I will bring them over to you,” she replied.

  I started to walk back over but decided to take a detour to the ladies room. I smiled to the others as I walked in the direction I was going. They went back and continued with their conversation.

  I pushed open the restroom door and walked in. I went up to the basins and turned the water on. I looked up into the mirror and saw Chelsi behind me. I spun around ready to be on the defence when she moved her index finger to her lips signifying for me to be quiet. She motioned her hand for me to follow her into the cubical. I raised an eyebrow in question, she replied by rolling her eyes.

  I wasn’t sure what was going on but I followed on impulse.

  She closed and locked the door behind me once I walked through.

  She pressed her body to mine and her lips close to my ear and whispered, “I can take you to where they are.”

  I turned my head and frowned so she could see the confusion.

  She leaned back in, “The humans will be here soon. If you come with me I can take you there, but they must not suspect, if they do, everyone could be killed. Please trust me.”

  “I can’t leave them if humans are coming to hurt them,” I hissed out.

  “They won’t do anything if you are not here, you will be helping them. Please Trinity,” she pleaded.

  I looked in her eyes and I saw fear. From what? Jason and the others getting hurt, or herself.

  I decided to trust my instinct which believed she was indeed trying to help and was genuinely afraid. I gave her a small nod, but kept the scornful look on my face letting her know I was sceptical and will punch her again if she betrayed us.

  With that, she opened the door and left.

  I stood there puzzled and wondered what was going on.

  I left the cubical and turned the tap off that was still running. I left the rest room and saw her leave through the front entrance.

  I opened myself up to Jason and Lachlan. I let them read my thoughts or at least I hoped they did.

  A small shake of Lachlan’s head let me know he could read it all and was not happy, the look on Jason’s face said the same.

  Trust me.

  I pressed the thought; this was what I needed to do.

  I walked over to them.

  “Sab, I need some air, would you mind staying with me, I don’t want to go outside alone,” I spoke it aloud in case any spies were about.

  His look was slightly puzzled, but he gave a nod and stood up.

  Jason grabbed my hand in way of protest.

  Soon. Trust me.

  He let go reluctantly and I turned around not looking at the rest to see their worried expressions.

  I walked past faces I didn’t recognize and didn’t try to guess what they were. I acted like nothing was wrong, I just wanted air. If any of these monsters knew anything about me or my friends, they would know I wouldn’t be allowed to go anywhere unprotected if it was thought I was in danger. I was hoping only walking outside with Sab was enough for them to not think anything suspicious and have them alert any one if they were in fact on the wrong side. God I was being paranoid. My mind was swimming with what was going on but if I didn’t do this, my friends could be killed or other people. I didn’t want anyone else to die especially for me.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Sab and I walked out into the fresh air. He gave me a look of confusion, but I smiled. I looked up the street to see Chelsi. I turned and walked in the same direction she was. Sab followed closely behind saying nothing.

  She was standing next to a car and opened the back door for us to hop in. I gave her a puzzled look as she just smiled.

  I got in the back with Sab close behind. She closed the door then hopped in the front and started driving away.

  “What the hell, Chelsi,” I asked.

  Her eyes met mine in the rear-view mirror. “I’m sorry Trinity,” she sighed and looked away.

  A sinking feeling grew in the pit of my stomach as I exchanged glances with Sab.

  “After you punched me,” she held up a hand and added, “Which I deserved, I was really mad, like pissed off mad. I left your place and went to ‘Huss it Out.’ There I met this human that seemed to know what and who I was. He started interrogating me. I was really scared as no one had heard anything about the others that were taken from ‘Mutual’, so I was afraid I might be killed or captured.” She paused taking a deep breath. “I was already mad at you and at Jason so I used that as fuel for him to believe that I was not on your side, that I was on my own and wanted payback. He seemed to buy into it and asked if I would be willing to aid them.”

  “You betrayed us,” I snapped.

  “If I had betrayed you, don’t you think I would have led them to your house,” she snapped back.

  I sat back not realising I had move forward. She had a point.

  “As I was saying,” she continued, “He told me about ‘Mutual’ and I guess waiting to hear and see my response. Holding onto my anger, I told him ‘good, I hoped they all burned.’ He seemed even more satisfied. Well long story short he took me in. I was still really scared because I was leading him to believe I would help, and thought, maybe he was leading me to believe I would be safe.” She paused while making a turn onto the highway, “He took me to this large industrial building that had a lot of security. All human and military. The place is a fortress. I met this man Mr. Drunt. He scared the crap out of me with his demeanour and authoritative attitude. He kind of interviewed me to see if I was just playing him.

  You know there is a reason Jason also chose me to pretend to be his girlfriend apart from the fact that I still had a thing for him. I was top in my class for Drama and was actually training to be an actor before I was attacked. I decided what a good time to put my talent to better use. Well it worked and Mr. Drunt took me on tour of the building.”

  “Drunt sounds familiar,” Sab, pointed out.

  Chelsi nodded and locked eyes with him in the mirror, “He knows all about you Sab, thanks to Marie. She was one of his informants. He had promised her a lot of money to hand over Trinity, but then she changed her mind and betrayed him. It seems that her need to kill off all the vampires and werewolves won over, but she had already told him too much. Mark for one let them know that most of what she said was true. Mr. Drunt’s has a lot of money and pretty much owns the police too. That is the only reason they went looking in the forest for you because Marie had already told him that was where her hide out was and he had been there for meetings with her for privacy. Anyways, he went to stop her from killing you because he wants your blood bad Trinity, and I mean bad.”

  I frowned, “But if he wanted it so bad why did he send someone to Paro to kill me?”

  She laughed, “He knew you would not be killed, it was more a test. That soldier was never meant to make it back from the moment he was assigned the job.”

  “A test,” I said a bit more loudly
than I intended.

  “Mr. Drunt’s is all kinds of screwed up. Therefore, he took me through the building, showed me he had the bones and the journal that he had procured that night in the forest. And then…” she choked a little as if in tears. “Then he showed me Ally and Steven and some others that had been captured from ‘Mutual’.

  I hate vampires Trinity, with a passion. I will tell you why another time, my point is that what they were doing to Steven and the other vamps made my heart scream in pain. I was sick to my stomach, I hid it as best I could for fear that the same thing happening to the others would happen to me. I played my part and earned his trust by dealing in little bits of information that could help him, but not in a big way. And now it is time for us to get our people away from these monsters.”

  I just sat there, I was feeling sick thinking of all the things they could be doing to my friends and allies, especially if someone like Chelsi with a burning hate for the Vamps said it was too much.

  “I don’t want anyone else to die,” I spoke aloud even though I hadn’t intended too.

  Sab’s hand touched mine. “We will do our best to not kill anyone, but if it comes down to us or them, we chose us,” he said in a stern tone.

  “So you have a plan,” I asked trying to push the sinking feeling I was having aside.

  She grinned at me through the mirror, “Hell yeah I do.”

  “What about Jason and my friends,” I asked.

  “Make them stay there, if you can have them look as though they are waiting for you to arrive. I didn’t see Garth there so they could even make out as if you will be arriving with him. If they think you have gone AWOL, they will look where we will be. If the human’s eyes are on them, they are not on us,” Chelsi told me.

  I gave a nod and concentrated on Lachlan, Jason and Garth. The three males in my life. One a father one a brother and one my lover. I frowned at my description of them. Lachlan was not my brother but he protected, cared and chastised me as Jason does with Nikkee. Garth my father, he had been there for me even when I didn’t know it. It pained him not being in my life just as much as it pained me not knowing he was there. And Jason, my lover, my soul mate. It seemed so juvenile to think it when I am only 18, but there was just something about our bond, our touch, some may call it puppy love but I knew it was something far more than that and so did he.

  I looked down at my ring and rubbed my thumb over the jewel and then the three diamonds on each side of the stone. Three, Jason, Garth and Lachlan. On the other Nikkee, Sky and… I glanced at Sab and smiled. One side signified, magic, wolf and vamp. On the other Love, loyalty and family. I smiled at my interpretation of the diamonds with the one that reminded Jason of my eyes in the middle.

  I felt it open for the first time, like a slight airway that creaked through. “Say, let them think I will be arriving with Garth. Keep their eyes on you so they are off me, Sab and Chelsi. I will be fine. Trust me.”

  I closed it off and it was as if I was shutting a window to my mind, my thoughts.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  The drive didn’t last much longer. I guessed we were only about 20 minutes away if anything went wrong. My phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw it was a text from Jason.

  Some people are here. Please stay safe. You are not far if you need us.

  I beamed inside that he trusted me to do what was best. I didn’t send back, I just opened the connection to him so he could see my pride. It felt weird even just doing that and having a slight understanding on how it worked, and whom I can choose to have in. I still had a long way to go but it was a start.

  Chelsi turned the lights to the car off and then pulled up behind some trees. I looked across the way and saw the large industrial shed all lit up with fog lights, and the lights from inside.

  “They don’t seem to be hiding themselves,” I pointed out.

  “They don’t need to when they have the military, police and government on their payroll,” she said with a pointed look as she turned around and faced me.

  “Shit,” I said as I looked back to the building that had my friends trapped.

  “I can sense the bones, also a lot of magic. Someone very powerful has been helping them but I can’t get a fix on their magic signature,” Sab told us.

  “What do you mean?” I asked confused.

  “Every witch has a kind of signature to their magic, like a fingerprint to a person. There are a lot of witches but mostly within families. Marie’s and mine had the same, there were just slightly different so you could tell us apart. I can’t always know who the witch is but more times than not I can feel which family they are from, or which coven so to speak,” he replied.

  “And you don’t know this one,” I pressed.

  “Not entirely, I am getting some line resemblance but no, it is a signature I have never come across.”

  “That is bad right,” I asked.

  “Very, it means I don’t know who they are or what amount of power we will be dealing with,” he said.

  “Well I guess we will find out soon enough,” I announced and opened the car door and hopped out.

  We walked out from behind the trees and across the road to some shrubs near the fence line bending down to hide ourselves.

  I opened the door in my mind letting Jason, Garth and Lachlan in so they can get a moment-by-moment account.

  “So, what’s the plan,” I asked Chelsi.

  “See over there, that door on the far side,” she pointed, poking her head around the shrubs.

  I looked, “Yeah.”

  “That is the only door not guarded,” she reached in her pocket and pulled out a set of keys.

  I grinned.

  “Ok, so we jump the fence, get to that door then what?” I pressed.

  Chelsi looked to Sab, “Then it will be Sab’s job to put anyone in our path in a sleeping coma. Personally I would like to see them all dead but since you are bent on keeping your humanity we will do it the nice way.”

  I grabbed her arm, “Hey, if you still had yours, you probably wouldn’t have been sleazing all over my boyfriend,” I sneered.

  She just looked at me and then said, “I guess since you pack a good punch you, knocked some sense into me and I have some back otherwise I would just kill them all. Without your consent,” then she grinned.

  “Good, because I don’t want to have to do it again. Got it.”

  I let go of her arm and turned to Sab, “You able to do this?”

  He cocked a smile, “Coma spells! That was one of the first ones I learned.”

  “Ok, let’s get inside and go from there,” I ordered.

  We waited for the fog lights to move away from the area we were going to be passing through and Chelsi climbed over with ease and was at the door in seconds. Sab went next and took a bit longer as he didn’t have superhuman speed or strength.

  I waited and then leapt up to the top of the fence and flipped myself over landing on my feet making no sound; I was at the door in a flash.

  “Impressive,” Chelsi said.

  I gave a cocky grin and nodded towards the door.

  Chelsi put the key in and turned. The door unlocked and we were inside closing it behind us before we were spotted.

  The hallway was lit with a bright, white colour that gave the impression you were in a hospital.

  The smell of disinfect burnt my nose as I inhaled and coughed.

  “I know, it’s strong, you will get used to it. They need to bleach everything to hide evidence of anything bad going on,” she said.

  She started walking up the hallway and came to a stop at the end; she poked her head around the corner and looked. She motioned for us to follow.

  I couldn’t hear any noise so I knew no one was around.

  Then a smell hit me and I looked up to find Chelsi lifted up by one hand, then it was lose, and the large body dropped to the floor. Sab had his hand stretched out and then back to his side, “See, easy,” he said with a big grin.

; I walked up to Chelsi, “Are you ok?” I asked and put a hand on her shoulder.

  She put her hand to her neck and rubbed, “I didn’t even see him coming. One second no one was there, the next he had me.”

  I bent down and touched the body, “Vamp for sure, is he new or one of ours I wonder?”

  “Who knows? Look at last time, it’s hard to tell who is on whose side,” Sab said looking down at the sleeping, bulky man and me.

  I stood back up.

  “If he is new and a part of Drunt’s team, we need to work fast. Can you sense the bones Sab?” I asked in haste.


  “Ok, will you be alright going by yourself? We will need to split up to get out of here quickly,” I told them.

  “I will be fine, what are you two going do if you come across more?” he asked.

  “Kick their asses,” Chelsi said through gritted teeth.

  “Good plan. Ok, yell or whatever if you need help Sab,” I said and gave a quick nod then ran off around the corner down the other end of the hall.

  We had not come across anyone since leaving Sab, which was a good thing since I really didn’t know how to fight. I was alert and on guard as I tried to sense if anyone was coming to give us a bit more warning this time. Chelsi moved to go in to a room.

  “Wait,” I said as I stopped in front of a different door.

  “They are right in here,” she hissed.

  “I need to go in here,” I told her.

  I wasn’t sure why but something was pulling me to go in.

  “Something’s not right. It seems too easy; was there always lots of security?” I asked.

  “Yeah…” Chelsi said and looked up the hall.

  “Why are they not here then?” I asked.

  “Who said we’re not.”

  I spun around to five large males all in military clothes.

  “Mr. Drunt’s will be disappointed with you Chelsi,” the man in front said.

  “I don’t care, I am a walking, talking disappointment,” she jeered back.