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Trinity - The Prophecy Page 3

  “Nothing,” I replied and stood back on my heels and looking away from the window.

  I was dressed and stood in front of the mirror. I was wearing the dress I liked at the shops. It was a black spaghetti strap style. It sat across my chest only showing a small amount of boob. The dress hugged my body all the way down to the middle of my thighs. I felt a little weird in it but I also felt sexy. The thin trail of frangipani flowers that ran from my right breast down on an angle to the side of my left thigh, was perfect to break up all the black.

  I had on some short black heels. I wouldn’t be able to walk if they were full height. I usually wore my long black hair down but I decided to put it up for a change. I had also added a small amount of makeup, cream eye shadow, some mascara and eyeliner around my deep blue eyes and just a light dusting of some powder to take away the shine. I was normally 5 foot four but the heels added an extra inch. I tilted my head and studied myself. I liked what I saw. I looked different, yet still like myself. I felt new. I looked down at the white bandage on my arm that looked out of place with the outfit. It was still sore and had started bleeding again when I had had a shower. I had wrapped it tight to ensure that no blood would seep out. At first, my arm throbbed from the circulation being slightly cut off and then it had slowly relaxed.

  “Wow! Trinity you look awesome,” Nikkee said coming into my bedroom.

  “Are you sure it is not too much?” I asked feeling a little self-conscious.

  “No you look perfect,” she said.

  She pulled out her phone, stood behind me, held it out in front of us, and took a picture.

  “Right, Sky and Mark are going to meet us there and Jason is going to drive us,” she announced pulling me out of the bedroom.

  “Are we going back to Huss it Out?”

  “Not tonight Honey.” And that was all she said as she steered me out of our little house and towards the garage where Jason was waiting in his Camaro. I have to admit I felt a little disappointed. I had been thinking of the guy that spoke to me at the bar on and off all day. His image was stamped in my mind. I would have liked him to see me like this rather than only half dressed up from the night before. I hid my disappointment and decided to shove it aside as I thought back to Jason in the backyard.

  We were driving into the city and had been in the car for well over forty-five minutes. Jason had told us he was going to be at a friend’s so when we wanted to leave to just ring him and he would come. Jason was nothing like Nikkee. He was quiet and reserved. He just sat in the driver’s seat only glancing in the rear vision mirror every now and then. I sometimes caught his eye and he would give a slight smile. Sometimes I just felt them on me. His smile was probably based on the fact that he knew I felt like crapping myself as it was going to be my first big night out. As we pulled into the city, he started giving us the talk.

  Don’t leave your drinks unattended. Don’t let a stranger buy you a drink. Stay together and if we were separated to stay in contact via our phones until we were all found again. He had pressed his point that he did not want to have to go to the hospital to identify any of our bodies or sit at a police station while we gave a statement for being assaulted. Numbers were the key he added. Stay together and keep each other safe. He was making me feel nervous. I was starting to think that Huss it Out wasn’t looking too bad if the only thing that happened was being attacked by a bush.

  Chapter Five

  Jason dropped us off at the club. People were everywhere. There were lights beaming from every direction making every crack on the cement visible and every business known. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as friends gathered in numbers for the evening. My eyes were wide open and shining. Everything felt electric and contagious. My body started to come alive as I looked in awe and wonder at the nightlife of the city.

  “Remember, stay together. Ring me when you’re done,” Jason called out to us from the driver’s seat.

  I looked at him and I gave him a smile. He returned a half one. I was sure he could see how nervous I was. Then he was gone, camouflaged amongst all the other cars.

  A slight disappointment ran through me as he departed.

  “OMG Trinity! You look amazing,” Sky said as she approached us and gave both Nikkee and I a hug.

  “Damn Trin…why don’t you dress like that more often?” Mark asked on approach, right behind Sky.

  “So good looking idiots like you don’t say ’Damn’ to me,” I replied.

  “Good point,” he said laughing.

  Sky screwed her face up slightly but it was gone as fast as it came. I forgot I needed to be careful now with them being all…well I wasn’t quite sure what they were, but I knew there were feelings there so no more flirting and playing.

  “Come on, let’s get this night going,” Nikkee said as she steered me towards the club’s front door where two thickset guys stood at the entrance to check ID.

  I pulled my student card out and showed them. It felt good knowing I was now an adult. I could officially do adult type stuff. Not sure what that was exactly but I felt excited regardless.

  We had managed to snag ourselves a booth table. When we walked in, I would have thought it would be impossible with all the people that were crammed into the room. A multitude of aromas hung in the air, from the many different types of deodorants and perfumes. Lights flickered and music screamed from the DJ stand.

  Some people were already drunk, stumbling around the dance floor. One girl looked green and was being escorted out by God knows who. I felt fearful as I watched her. I didn’t want that to be me. I was going to make sure I limited myself as it was going to be my first big night out. Responsible drinking I think they call it.

  A few hours had passed and Nikkee had gotten us all another cocktail. I was having a Fruit Tingle. It was so sweet but also very yummy. I sipped slowly as my eyes took in all the details of our surroundings.

  “I’m going to the ladies room,” Nikkee said as she got up.

  “I’ll go with you,” I said getting up as well.

  She ushered me down. “It’s ok. I’ll be right back. It’s just over there,” she replied pointing to the toilet two booths down.

  I gave a nod and she walked off.

  “Want to dance?” Sky asked Mark.

  “Sure. You going to be ok Trin?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I’ll be fine. Go dance,” I said waving them off.

  I had nearly finished my drink and I was starting to feel a little giddy. Not sick, just happy and chilled out.

  I looked around again watching all the people partying and enjoying themselves. I felt a shiver run up my spine. My eyes flicked back and forth. I felt uneasy. Like I needed to run. The scratch on my arm started to itch, and it was getting worse. I bit my lip, put my arms under the table, and began rubbing it. Pain shot through my arm from the rubbing but the itch was building. A bead of sweat ran down the side of my face. I grabbed my forearm hard and the blood soon slowed. The itching subsided a little and I took a deep breath.

  “Are these seats taken?” a husky voice asked.

  I looked up, my head slightly tilting as I took in his face. His hair was a dark chocolate brown the same as his eyebrows and eyes. He was handsome but there was a look to him that I couldn’t put my finger on. Was it a scary look? Perhaps a non-trusting look? Was I being paranoid much? Hell yes. The Fruit Tingle was going straight to my head.

  “Yes they belong to my friends’,” I replied finally.

  “Where are they?” he pressed.

  “One is in the girl’s room and my other two friends are dancing,” I said pointing to the dance floor.

  “Would you mind if I sat here while you wait for them to return?” he asked.

  I looked around, probably a little franticly and then I slowly said, “Okay.”

  He sat down in front of me. He had something clear in his glass. I squinted at it and then I finally asked.

  “What are you drinking?”

  “Vodka and lemonade,
” he said with a slight smirk building from the corner of his lip.

  “Looks like water,” I replied.

  He tilted the glass on the table and looked down at it. “The lemonade is flat. Something wrong with their soda machine apparently.”

  I squinted harder as if I was trying to see something tiny. Then I saw little bubbles at the base of the glass. I sat back and looked around again. I was mentally calling Nikkee to hurry up and I felt like I needed to squirm around in the chair from unease. Finally, she came back. She looked at me and then at the guy sitting across from me.

  “Where are Mark and Sky?” she asked.

  I pointed towards the dance floor. Then my hand was in hers and she was steering me towards them away from the table. She marched right up to them and grabbed Sky’s arm.

  “What do you think you are doing leaving Trin alone? Look at her! She is gorgeous and heaps of guys will want to prey on her. As soon as you left that guy moved in!” she paused and pointed to the booth that was now empty. “Well the guy that was there,” she frowned. “Anyways, we don’t leave each other alone. That’s the rule. We have always used that rule Sky,” she finished giving Mark a dirty look.

  “You went to the toilet alone,” Sky argued back.

  “Yes but we have been coming here for months and this is Trinity’s first night in the City. You leave her alone for five seconds and the animals will come sniffing around,” Nikkee snapped back.

  “Chill out would ya. Geez we were only over here dancing,” Sky said and then looked at me.

  “Look, its ok Nikkee. I knew where you were and I knew where they were. I am ok, please don’t fight,” I pleaded.

  “Yeah it’s ok. She gets a guy and then the girl code is all tossed out the window,” Nikkee said with a sneer.

  “Oh so it’s like that is it. You’re jealous because I have a guy now,” Sky sneered back.

  “Jealous of Mark. HA! Hardly. I just don’t like the fact that you had forgotten all about your best friend’s wellbeing just so you can go dance with him. You could have waited. I would have waited for you,” Nikkee spat out then pulled me away from the dance floor with her.

  She steered us towards the front doors and then we were outside in the crisp clean or clean-ish air.

  She sucked in a deep breath and then exhaled and walked a little further towards the side of the building.

  “What was all that about?” I asked.

  “God, I can’t believe she would do that. She knows better. And all because of HIM,” she yelled out raising her voice at the “him” statement.

  As I went to reply, Sky walked over to us.

  “I’m sorry Nikkee. You are right and I shouldn’t have said those things. I am just so, so…I can’t get him out of my head and I just wanted to be closer to him,” she said in a low sad voice.

  Nikkee sighed then replied, “I get that. But you don’t put ‘going to dance with a guy’ before your best friend. It is a code. A safe code. And please, I am so not jealous of Mark.”

  “I know. I should not have said that. I am sorry.”

  “Well I want to call it a night. How about you Trin?” Nikkee asked me.

  “Yeah. I’m so tired. These last few days have been so full on. And you both dragging me around to every clothes shop today has really worn me out,” I replied.

  Nikkee pulled out her phone to call Jason.

  “Geez reception is crap here. Just a sec. I’ll be right back,” she said walking off looking at her phone.

  “Where’s Mark?” I asked.

  Sky looked around and then said. “Over there,” she called out his name but he didn’t hear. “I’ll just go grab him. Be right back.”

  She walked off towards the front of the club.

  A chill from behind blew past my ear and out to the streets in front of me. My body started to shake and a scream built. A hand went over my mouth and the view of the busy sidewalk disappeared.

  Chapter Six

  “Oh my God, there she is,” a faint voice in the background whispered.

  I tried to open my eyes. They only partly opened.

  “Call an ambulance Jason. Quick!”

  What I could see was a blur. There was a face in front of me but I couldn’t make it out. Then it was gone and I closed my eyes to blackness again.

  A searing pain started gnawing in my chest and throat. I struggled to breathe as I came back to consciousness.

  “Trinity, can you hear me. Do you know where you are?”

  I opened my eyes slightly again. They slowly came into focus as a woman’s face started to appear. My left arm felt wet and sore along with my chest and throat. I tried to lift my head but it only got gently pushed back down.

  “Trinity? Can you hear me? Trinity? Trinity? Trinity do you know where you are?” the woman repeated as it slowly made its way to my ears. I went to speak. I opened my mouth, but no sounds came out. I gave a slight shake of my head. I didn’t know where I was.

  “You are in an alley. We are going to lift you onto the gurney and take you to the PA Hospital. Can you understand me?” the woman asked.

  I gave her a slight nod.

  “We are going to be as gentle as we can. You have lost a lot of blood and we’re worried that you have a neck injury. Ready. Three, two, one, lift…”

  A scream escaped my lips as I was lifted. It felt like a concrete block had been dropped onto my chest, yet it was only air. I felt a warm hand touch my arm, then it was gone. Everything went black again.

  My eyes fluttered open and closed. I felt numb. Bright lights were shining into them. Beeping noises pierced their way through to my eardrum. I felt movement. Small jerkiness along with a high-pitched siren. I must have been in the ambulance. I tried to turn my head but it was held in place. I started to panic. I lifted my arms but they felt heavy and did not want to move. My heart rate jumped and a monitor started beeping frantically.

  “Trinity you are ok. We are nearly there,” the woman said. Then all went black once more.

  I groaned a little as I stretched slightly. My whole body hurt and my mouth was extremely dry. I squinted through my eyes at the light that was filling the window. It looked to be sunrise. It was overly bright and only just coming up. I moved my neck and found I had movement again. I looked over to my left and saw that Nikkee was sitting in a chair next to the hospital bed I was in, with her head resting right beside my leg. I felt heat at my right hand and looked over expecting to see Sky, but it was Jason. It surprised me. His hand felt like comfort as I laid there. He was in the same position as Nikkee except she wasn’t holding my hand. I slowly pulled my hand out of his and raised it up to see I had an IV drip in it and a bandage wrapped around my wrist.

  I heard a noise in the hall and looked to the doorway. My mind was a rumble and blur. I vaguely remembered being in an ambulance. Then I remembered the hand around my mouth. At that moment, the door opened and it made me jump along with Nikkee and Jason.

  “Trinity, you’re awake. That is good. How do you feel?” a woman in a nurse outfit asked.

  “Ummm. Tired and thirsty,” I replied as it was all I could think about at the time.

  She walked over to my bedside table to pour a drink.

  “I’ll get that,” Nikkee said as she got up.

  The Nurse smiled at her and then said to me, “You have good friends. They insisted that they would be staying even though we told them to go home.” She took my blood pressure and wrote some notes down after looking back and forth from the machines I was plugged into. “I will let the Doctor know you are awake and he will be with you as soon as he can,” she smiled once more and then left the room.

  “Oh Trinity, I am so sorry,” Nikkee said as she handed me the water and then dropped her head down to my stomach and started crying. I raised my right arm, placed it on her head, and started stroking her hair.

  “It’s ok. It’s not your fault,” I reassured her and then I looked to Jason. He was staring out the window with his face out of view.

  “What happened?” Nikkee asked all muffled with her face pressed against my abdomen.

  “I’m not…” I went to reply as the door opened again and the doctor walked through.

  “Hello Trinity. I am Doctor Mitchel. I have some good news and some bad news. First, the good news, the X-ray and CT scan show no head or neck trauma. However, you have six fractured ribs, plus a mark on your left arm. It took us a while to slow the bleeding and you have a high risk of getting an infection. Your friend here told us that it happened a week ago.”

  “A week ago?” I interrupted, and looked at Nikkee and Jason a little closer and saw they were in normal everyday clothes. Nikkee actually looked a little dishevelled with her hair a mess and track pants.

  “You have been unconscious for six days. We could not find the cause. We suspect it was your mind protecting itself. Not wanting to wake up and face what happened. It happens a lot with victims who have been attacked and we can never find how they do it,” he said.

  “Oh my God. Six days?” I whispered.

  “The police have been called as they wanted to be alerted as soon as you woke up so they could get a statement. They are here now. Are you ok with giving a statement or do you need some more time? It is sometimes best to talk straight away while your mind is fresh. We can have a counsellor come in and sit with you while your interview is conducted,” the doctor added.

  “Oh no I’ll be fine thank you,” I replied with a smile.

  “If all checks out you could leave later on today or tomorrow. I will check back in later,” he said giving a slight nod and then walking out.

  A few minutes later two detectives walked into my room. Nikkee and Jason had to leave while they spoke with me.

  “Can you tell us what happened?” asked the female officer.

  I thought back to the hand, then the face of the guy from Huss it Out. It all rushed through my mind and I winced.