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Trinity - The Prophecy Page 4

  “No. I don’t, sorry. I remember a hand going around my mouth and then my head being hit on something hard. Then…nothing until an ambulance officer was talking to me,” I said lying to them. I knew I shouldn’t have, but they would send me to the looney bin if they knew what really happened.

  After a few more questions they left and Nikkee and Jason came back in.

  “What happened? Did you tell them everything?” Nikkee asked.

  “No, I lied.”

  “What! Why?” Nikkee and Jason both said at the same time.

  “Because even I don’t believe what I saw and they would transfer me to the mental ward,” I confessed.

  “Tell us,” Nikkee pressed.

  I looked back and forth to them both and decided I had to tell someone and it might as well be my new family...

  I tried to scream as the sidewalk went from view. I was dragged back at an abnormal speed. The man pushed my body against the wall pressing his hand on my mouth and his forearm across my chest. It was the same guy from inside the club that had sat at my table. I wanted to scream again as he pressed hard and I felt my ribs giving way from the pressure. He snarled at me. His eyes were brown, but at the centre was a tinge of red. My heart raced with fear. Then his hand was around my throat cutting off my air supply.

  “Finally, the last descendant. I have been looking for you for a long time. Your mother would not give you up and died screaming. But you will die in silence,” he sneered.

  My eyes opened in fear and fright as his words sunk deep into my soul. His hand loosened so I could speak.

  “My mother didn’t want me,” I forced out.

  “Your mother died protecting you. Too bad it was for nothing.”

  Then his hand went back over my mouth and was followed by a stabbing pain in the left side of my stomach that brought tears to my eyes and caused my legs to give way. I didn’t fall to the ground as his other hand held me in place.

  Then he was off me and I did fall to the ground. I saw a flash of bodies moving so fast that I couldn’t keep up. My eyelids slowly dropped down only to spring open again as I heard a growl then a yelp followed by a voice.


  I looked up into a familiar face. It was that guy from Huss It Out!

  “You’re dying.”

  I gave a nod in acknowledgement. I didn’t know why I felt so calm about it.

  “I will save you.”

  There was a pain in my right wrist followed by a warm liquid hitting my lips making my mouth open.

  “Drink,” his voice commanded. And I did. I don’t know why I did. Survival instinct perhaps?

  It tasted like blood. The pain in my stomach slowed to almost nothing. My chest and throat still ached.

  “You need more to heal the rest of you. Drink. Quickly!” he said with panic. He swore and then was gone.

  I told them.

  “I heard you call out to me Nikkee,” I told them both.

  “You’re right. We should get you transferred to the Mental Health ward,” Nikkee stated.

  Jason just looked at me with a frown on his face. I think I was more scared of his look than what Nikkee had said out loud.

  My friends think I’m going crazy… and I fear they are right!

  Chapter Seven

  After spending two more nights in the hospital, I was finally allowed to go home. Jason had stayed the whole time along with Nikkee. Mr. and Mrs. Jane had come to see me and brought us all a heap of food as she worried we would be starving.

  We didn’t talk much more about the attack because people were coming and going. I really thought I was going insane. What I was remembering must have been made up from my mind. Was I blocking out what really happened? I must have been showing all my emotions on my face because Nikkee went and bought me a Daffy Duck plush toy. I hugged it tight and Jason half smiled.

  I was laying on my bed with Nikkee and feeling some sense of peace at last, when I asked, “Why was Jason there?”

  Nikkee sat up with a coy look on her face and laughed.

  “Because he likes you. And he feels responsible for you being hurt,” she sighed then added, “He was pretty angry at me and at himself. He said he should have just gone with us.”

  I was just staring at her. I was not sure how to take the news that he had feelings for me. I had suspected it but now that it was said aloud, it was more real. Did I feel the same for him? I thought back to all the times I ever saw him. I admitted to myself that yes, I would steal glances if I knew he wasn’t looking and would get more excited than I should knowing he was back from working away. Crap.

  “I am not his responsibility,” I replied trying to show I didn’t care that he liked me.

  “No you were ours and I let you down,” Nikkee said as she laid back down.

  “It’s not your fault either,” I told her in reassurance.

  “Yes it is because I should not have been so stupid as to leave you with that twit Sky who only thinks of herself. Leaving you alone again just after we had a fight about it…I am so angry with her and she knows it. That’s why she hasn’t been around,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “It’s not her fault. She was only going for a second to let Mark know where we were,” I said defending my bestie.

  Nikkee sat up again and looked down at me. “It only takes a second Trinity and she knows that. Her and I have had each other’s back since we started going to clubs and then when she gets a man, she forgets that you or I are there. It put you in danger. And you now think you drank someone’s blood. What if that person had something? HIV, Herpes…the clap?”

  “All blood work came back fine and I probably imagined it anyways. Like you said.”

  She frowned at me and then laid down again. “It was shit. Plain and simple and your friend let you down.”

  “You don’t need to protect me Nikkee. You went off by yourself. These things happen,” I told her.

  I went silent and put my hand to my chest where my one and only trinket lay warm on my collarbone. It was my mothers. Well as far as I knew, it was. It had been around my neck when I was dumped at the hospital. It was a silver chain and the pendant that hung loose like a teardrop, it was carved in silver vines and the pendant itself was bright blue with some white swirls. Like the sky and clouds were mixed together. Some days when I would see it in my drawer, I could swear that it was liquid and that the blue would slowly swirl with the white. I had never worn it. Even though I held it close to me as the only thing I had of my mother, it also reminded me that I was abandoned so I never wore it. Until now.

  “Do you think what he said about my mum was true?” I asked in a quiet voice.

  She didn’t answer straight away. I knew she was looking for words she did not know how to say.

  “Look. I honestly think you were knocked out. You had a nightmare. You had no stab wound. You had a lot of blood on you probably from cutting your wrist on some glass as you struggled. I have read that sometimes in traumatic events people come up with weird and frightful stories that are not true. Like that girl from Petrie who claimed that werewolves were stalking her. Maybe a weredingo if she was on Straddy but umm, when have you ever heard of a wolf in Australia?” she said with a laugh.

  My fingers got warmer as they sat on the pendant. She had a point. What if it was all crap and I had just imagined it?

  “So I was thinking. We should skip the city for a while but maybe next weekend to celebrate the end of our torturous school years, we should go to Mon Komo in Redcliffe. They have it set up as a nightclub on Friday nights. We would be close to home,” she said.

  “Yeah maybe,” I said and rolled over. I was not sure if I was ready to go out on a big adventure to a club again, no matter how small. Yet, I knew I could not hide forever either.

  Just as my eyes were closing a chime came from my phone. I picked it up and looked at it. It was a message from Sky asking if I would meet her at the coffee shop Braisin Hussy in fifteen minutes. I replied with an
“OK” but I mentally groaned. I just wanted to sleep.

  I walked around the back of The Braisin Hussy and saw Sky sitting near the back tables. I walked up to her and hugged her tight to let her know I was not angry with her. A tear ran down her cheek and she smiled. I sat next to her where a Latte’ was already waiting for me. I took a long, slow sip to savour the sweet taste of caffeine.

  “I am so sorry Trinity. If I hadn’t gone to get Mark you would have been fine,” she said with sadness.

  I honestly didn’t think I would have been. Nikkee and Jason might think I am nuts but I believe that what happened, happened. How would I come up with something as weird as that? Why would my mother be brought up when I push any thoughts of her away? I believe if it were not there and then it would have happened elsewhere. So many questions were left unanswered.

  “It’s not your fault. Don’t feel guilty. I am sick of every one taking the blame for something that was out of their control. It happened. I am now fine. All is good in the world,” I said with force because I really was getting sick of it. I was not a baby. I was tougher than people thought. After living with my foster monster for so many years how could I not have a thick skin?

  “Nikkee is still mad at me. She won’t even answer my messages,” Sky added.

  “She will get over it,” I said.

  “I don’t think she will. She is so protective of you and because it was me, that makes it worse,” Sky added.

  “But you two are best friends too. You’ll work it out,” I reassured her.

  She had a doubtful look on her face. I couldn’t do much more to help except talk to Nikkee myself. Unfortunately, I knew there was going to be a bit of a battle on my hands and Nikkee was too stubborn for her own good.

  After getting home, I walked back through the side gate and up towards the garage. There I saw Jason at his car, loading a few bags in the trunk.

  “Hey, you off to work again?” I asked, as I got closer.

  “Yeah. I was due back last Thursday, “he replied, not looking at me.

  “Sorry,” I said feeling bad he missed work because I got myself beaten up by a…well I wasn’t sure yet but I was pretty sure I was saved by a vampire. Yes, I was completely nuts.

  He turned and looked me dead in the eye. A strange knowing swept through me, and his eyes bore deep into my own.

  “Try and not get yourself killed while I’m away,” he said flatly.

  I laughed. I couldn’t help myself.

  “I’m being serious,” he pressed.

  “I know,” I said more seriously.

  “I will call to check in,” he added.

  “Like a good big brother,” I retorted.

  “No. Something far more dangerous,” he said as he got in his car. Started the engine and backed out down the driveway.

  I stood there in silence and watched him leave.

  What could be more dangerous?

  Chapter Eight

  Wednesday was dragging on. I was laying with my head in my arms on top of my desk, next to Sky in English. I was not feeling well. Ever since my birthday, I had been feeling off, and every day was much worse than the last. My friends had noticed this, and had constantly been asking if I was okay. I wasn’t sure if I was. Nikkee wanted me to go back to the doctor’s about the cuts on my arm. All the doctor did was give me some more antibiotics to take. Both arms seemed to be finally healing but I still had to have them bandaged in case they started bleeding again. This had not gone unnoticed by anyone. As I walked up the hallway at school people were whispering and just looking. Apparently, they thought I had tried to do myself in even though my right arm only had a punctured “bite mark” at my wrist. I must have gotten sloppy on the other arm since it was way too high. I had to laugh. It was amusing to find out the things people thought up in school, and to see how fast the damaging rumours were spreading. Yesterday, I was called into the guidance counsellor’s office for a chat. I explained what had happened. He did not believe me at first but in the end my story was not changing to “the sad lonely girl kicked out of home and trying to commit suicide,” so he finally let me leave an hour and a half later and yet, something was not right. My skin was all pale and my hair looked somewhat dead. I had mega bags under my eyes even though I had been sleeping every chance I got. My stomach would start to feel queasy and then would grumble even though I had eaten more food than I had in years. What was worse was that my skin felt like it didn’t belong to me. I wanted to break out of it. It made me twitch at the thought again. It was an uneasy feeling and I just wanted to go home and sleep. The problem with looking and feeling like that is people presume that the pressure of exams had gotten to me. When in fact I had breezed through. I wasn’t sure if I had gotten a good mark, but I didn’t want to get stressed or freaked out. The last few weeks of school were for college talk and preparing us for what was after high school. Most of the graduates were still seventeen, only a handful of us were already at the legal drinking age. Schoolies was the top topic, where would everyone be going and who with. Most of them had already booked hotels and resorts with their friends. I don’t think my besties and I had even talked about going. I would have to ask if we would be doing anything.

  “You okay Trin?” Sky whispered to me for the millionth time.

  I nodded my head not feeling the energy to talk. I wanted school to be finished completely. Only one and a half weeks left then I could sleep for a few months or a few years, either one would work.

  “What are you and Nikkee doing tonight?” she asked.

  Nikkee and Sky had sort of made up. I had talked to Nikkee and pleaded that she let it go. It was still iffy and I felt bad for Sky, feeling the way she did, yet I was stuck in the middle.

  “I’m not sure. I just want to sleep,” I confessed to her.

  I tilted my head slightly until my eyes held hers, so she knew she had my attention. She looked a little sad and put out. I sensed she was feeling left out. All three of us always did everything together, but because I was living with Nikkee, Sky wasn’t seeing me as much as she was.

  “Well, after a rest did you and Nikkee want to come to the movies with me and Mark?” she asked.

  I wanted to say no, that I was going to sleep my life away but the look on her face made my heart sink. She obviously wanted to try to fix things and I did not want to begrudge her that.

  “Sure, sounds good. What are we going to see?”

  “The Conjuring. It plays at 8:30. You could have a sleep and then you’d feel refreshed,” she said with a little smile.

  She didn’t think I wanted to sleep. She thought Nikkee and me were doing something without her.

  “Yes, sleep sounds good, and another shower to wake myself up. Maybe one of those coffees from Gloria Jeans at North Lakes on our way to the movies?” I suggested. It made my mouth water a little.

  I let my head relax back down slightly and closed my eyes.

  The bell had finally rung. I walked home by myself today as Nikkee was off shopping with Mrs. Jane. Nikkee had asked if I wanted to come but I declined as my bed was calling my name. I walked through the side gate then went down to the back yard granny flat. My home. As I walked through the door, the phone started ringing. It was the same number as the main house and I always felt funny answering it. I bit my lip and decided that I’d better, in case it was important. I picked up the receiver.

  “Hello, Jane residence,” I said politely while getting the pen and pad from the table.


  Crap, it was Jason. A small flutter started in my stomach at the sound of his voice.

  “Yes. How are you?”

  “I’m good. You’re still alive,” he pointed out and it sounded like he chuckled.

  “Clearly. You know I am a big girl and can take care of myself right?”


  He had a slight point. “I survived for 18 years before something happened. You can’t hold one little incident against the good reputation I have,�
�� I replied

  “You have a reputation?” he asked. I could almost see his eyebrow raise at this question. It made me smile as I started walking towards my room.

  “Yes, a very good one if you must know,” I said smirking as I flopped onto my bed

  “Is Nikkee home?” he asked changing the subject.

  “No, she’s out with your mum. Do you want me to give her a message?” I asked.

  “No, I’ll just call back.”


  “Good talking to you Trinity. Stay safe. See you next week.”

  “You too. Bye.”

  Then the line was dead. I placed it on my bedside table and closed my eyes. I knew I was smiling, and for the wrong reasons. I had to do something about this before I started really having feelings for him. Or was it too late?

  I knew I was dreaming. I had felt myself drift off. I was standing in an elaborate room that I had never seen before. It was made of dark timber, with engravings and carvings all around the walls. Old-fashioned lamps with candles burning in them gave it a slightly eerie look. The furnishings looked old, like from the seventeen hundreds. A few feet in front of me was a desk with a man sitting at it, he was wearing some sort of funny outfit. It was all fancy with a silk shirt and lace on the chest. His hair was long and curly like he had just come from a hairdresser. There wasn’t a hair out of place. He was handsome, but he had a fearful look on his face. The door behind me burst open and another man entered. He too was in a silk shirt with lace and a red tuxedo coat over black pants. He came rushing up to the man at the desk and handed him an old looking scroll. I moved closer, somehow knowing I would be undetected.

  The man behind the desk rolled the scroll out and a moment later he sagged in his chair. Closing his eyes he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “So it is true. Are they safe?” the man behind the desk asked the other.

  “Sir, we arrived too late,” red coat answered.

  A tear ran down the face from the man behind the desk, “You know what to do. See it done.”