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Trinity - The Prophecy Page 5

  “Yes Sir,” red coat said and raced back out the room.

  I had moved closer to the desk in an attempt to see the scroll, when the man behind the desk looked up.


  Chapter Nine

  My eyes shot open with a start. My heart was pounding in my chest. Beads of sweat rolled down the sides of my face. What the hell? It was a dream. Only a dream. Of course, he would have seen me in my dream. Yet it felt so real. What a weird dream to have. It was so vivid. I could recall every detail on the walls and the furniture. What they were wearing, even down to the funny shoes the man in the red coat had on. I felt sad. Sad for the same reason the man behind the desk was. Only, I didn’t know what that was. When his eyes looked up at me, he had a look in them as if he was defeated and all hope was lost. I was feeling that hopelessness for myself and a tear rolled down my cheek. I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry forever, or disappear with no thoughts to follow me.

  “Trinity!” Nikkee yelled out as I heard her footsteps run down the hall.

  She burst through my room and stopped short as she looked me over.

  “Oh no what’s wrong? Has something happened? Are you ok?” she asked rushing over, jumping onto the bed and hugging me.

  “Yeah, I just had a weird dream. I still feel yucky, and I just want to sleep forever,” I confessed to her.

  “Yes, you’ve been so off since your birthday. A lot has happened. What happened in your dream?” she asked hugging me tight.

  I told her what had happened. She just laid there and listened like she always did.

  “Wow, that is strange,” she said.

  “I know and I don’t really understand why I’m upset. I don’t even know what happened. But it felt like it was something bad that the man had tried to prevent,” I told her.

  “Oh Trin. You have such a gentle soul. Even in your dreams, you connect with people’s emotions. Look you are not yourself. We’ll stay in tonight. I’ll message Sky,” she said sitting up and pulling out her phone.

  “No. I want to go. She’s trying to make an effort to fix things and you should let her. I don’t mind. It will be nice to hang out. By the way Jason rung for you,” I said.

  “Jason? Did he say what he wanted?” she asked with a frown on her face.


  “That’s strange,” she added.

  “Why is that strange?” I asked.

  “Because he only calls me if something bad has happened or he needs some help,” she told me.

  Nikkee and her brother were close for being brother and sister. Even though they were polar opposites, they had a good friendship as far as I knew.

  “Do you really think he likes me?” I asked a bit embarrassed.

  She looked down at me and said,” I suspect he does. He knew mum was taking me out today so I wouldn’t be home. He could have called my mobile. I think he does like you. But I could be wrong. Why, do you have feelings for him?”

  I sat up and hugged my pillow.” I don’t know but ever since you said that I thought back on some stuff.”

  “Like what?” she pressed.

  “Like how I would be a little extra excited to come visit when I knew he was back. How he made me smile and blush when I would catch his eye in the rear vision mirror. Or how I liked the warmth of his hand when he was holding mine while I was in the hospital. I know it’s weird. I never really thought about it. But now that you pointed it out, it has made me wonder,” I confessed.

  “That’s sweet. I think it would be a good match. Just make sure. I don’t want to see either of you hurt,” she said with a smile.

  That was what I loved about Nikkee. I could tell her I might have feelings for her brother and she wouldn’t get all jealous. She was happy about it. She was probably already planning our wedding in her head.

  “Look. I don’t know if it is what it is. I’m all over the place at the moment. I could be grasping at my own straws. Don’t say anything please,” I pleaded.

  “You really have to ask?” she said with a big grin.

  I smiled back. It was stupid of me to even think she would say anything.

  “Oh guess what?” she asked getting all excited again.


  “Mum and dad bought me a car!” she squealed.

  “Oh my god! Really?”

  “Yes, do you want to come and have a look?” she asked, grabbing my hand to pull me off the bed.

  I obviously didn’t have a choice as she dragged me through the house, but I was just as excited.

  We got out to the front yard and there it was, a brand new car.

  “It was supposed to be my graduation present but mum and dad decided to get it early for me. They did the same for Jason too,” she said then laughed. “Come sit in my new baby.”

  It was a black Mazda 3. It suited Nikkee right down to the tire caps. I opened the door to the new car smell. It was still very strong, and made my head spin a little. I wriggled my nose and waited for my senses to get used to it.

  “We’ll be driving in style from now on baby,” Nikkee said with the biggest grin on her face.

  “This is fantastic,” I told her.

  Her parents were so awesome, and Nikkee wasn’t even a spoiled snob, even though she could have whatever she wanted, and Jason still worked even though he could live off his parents if he wanted too.

  “Let’s go get ready and pick Sky and Mark up. I’m taking my baby for a test run.”

  We picked Sky and Mark up, and there were lots of ‘Ooh’ and ‘Nice’ directed at her new car. After taking the extremely long way to get some coffee and then to the movies, I was feeling physically tired. My mind was wide-awake and how could it not be with ghosts popping up behind people in the movie we were watching. I wore more popcorn than anticipated and spilt my drink three times. Lucky I was wearing a black tee shirt so it was not noticeable. Sky and Mark were not even sitting together. I wasn’t sure why but Sky kind of looked sad. He was sitting next to Nikkee and her next to me and Sky on my other side. It was somewhat awkward and I think Nikkee felt the same way. Finally, the movie finished leaving my heart racing from all the scary parts. I hoped I would get to sleep when I went to bed.

  We were standing outside the shopping centre recapping the movie when something caught my eye. I looked over into the parking lot and saw a guy. The same guy from Huss it Out. I stared at him and he just gave the same look back. I’d had enough, I mustered up my courage and marched across the road to confront him.

  “What do you think you are doing?” I demanded.

  He raised one eyebrow at me.

  “Do you think I don't know that you've been following me? And you were in the alley that night. What is your deal? What is going on?” I pressed.

  I could hear the others calling out to me and getting closer.

  “There is a lot you don’t understand,” he said.

  “Tell me then.”

  He looked over my shoulder to the others approaching.

  “Another time. For now, stay close to your friends. You are safer if you are in numbers.”

  “Safe from what?”

  “You know what.”

  “No I don’t. Tell me,” I demanded.

  “In good time. Now is not that time. I will come for you.”


  He didn’t reply, but turned and walked away as Nikkee came up beside me.

  “Who was that?” she asked.

  A guy that knows what is going on and will not tell me. “Just some guy I met at Huss it Out!” I sort of lied leaving out the part where he saved me by biting my wrist and making me drink his blood.

  “He is cute. Did he give you his number?” She gushed.

  “No and I don’t want it,” I answered then turned around and started walking towards Nikkee’s car.

  Chapter Ten

  What in the world was going on? Everything was all over the place, including my head. Our little house was dark and quiet, with the only noise
coming from outside. I could hear the breeze roll around the house like a comforting blanket of air. The leaves on the trees waved lazily in the gentle wind, the creaking of its branches combined with the steady hum of insects. The sounds were all so clear, like they were all in the room with me. I felt my heart beat faster, as I started to wonder why I was hearing so much. Before Nikkee and I had gone to bed I overheard a conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Jane that sounded like they were in the room, talking directly to me. When I had looked out the window all the lights were off, so they must have been talking in bed. It was freaking me out.

  What was with that guy? I needed to find out what was going on and had decided that I was going to go to Huss it Out, try to find him and demand some answers. Was I going nuts? It could all just be a coincidence, but deep down I knew it was not. He knew something about me and what was going on, and I needed to find out what that was. Even if it meant that I sounded bat shit crazy.

  Thursday had dragged on like the day was a whole week, and Friday was just as bad. Not to mention I was getting worse. I had just hopped out of the shower and didn’t even have the energy to get dressed, I just curled up in a ball on my bed with just the towel wrapped around me. I was so tired and I looked it. My friends were growing concerned and even though I loved them, I was over them asking if I was ok. I was not. I was freaking out. Neither of my arms were getting any better. I didn’t just have bags under my eyes, I had suitcases filled with too much luggage. My skin was pale and clammy and I just felt ‘meh’. All I thought about was sleep. It was all I wanted except tonight. I was feeling determined. I was going to the club and I was going by myself. I had told Nikkee and Sky that I was having a night in, and that I wouldn’t be joining them at Mon Komo. I felt bad for lying, but if they were with me I don’t think that I would get a chance to talk to that mysterious guy long enough for answers. I had too many questions to ask and a short conversation would not cover them all.

  They had already left. I mustered what energy I had left in me to get ready. I was shitting myself as well as feeling dead. The bottom of my back tingled with adrenalin. I was scared, but I had to do this

  I walked through the door at Huss it Out. I was feeling nervous, I was there alone and felt exposed. The placed looked the same as it did last time, only the people had changed. I walked over to the bar. After overhearing the girl in front of me order a vodka with cream soda, I decided to do the same. I figured it was a popular drink for girls.

  The soda bubbles exploded in my mouth like popping candy. It made my eyes water so I quickly took another sip to push past the sensation but it only made it worse. I put the drink on the bar and turned around to look directly into the face of the person I was looking for.

  “Now who is stalking who?” he said calmly. The music was really loud but his deep voice seemed to resonate like there was no one else in the room.

  “What makes you think I’m stalking?” I jabbed back.

  “Because you are without your entourage.”

  “I don’t have an entourage,” I said defensively.

  “Yes you do. Your friends never seem to leave your side,” he said.

  “Obviously you don’t have many friends to not have the same problem.”

  A dangerous look crossed his eyes at what I said. “Sometimes they get in the way, and it’s best not to have any.”

  I frowned, “That’s a sad way to live.”

  “And yet you came alone because of this reason.”

  Crap he got me. It made me feel guilty. Surely I could have brought them and could have just asked for some privacy?

  “Well I need answers and I didn’t think you would talk to me with them here,” I confessed.

  “You are right. I would not have,” he said. He turned to look at the crowd then added, “Perhaps we should go outside,” then he was walking towards the door. I abandoned my drink and followed him without a second thought.

  The parking lot was quiet again except there were cars there now. He walked over to the wall and sat down. I was glad he did because I was feeling exhausted on my feet.

  I sat down, and closed my eyes as I leaned against the wall. I knew I should not have been outside in the semi dark with a stranger, but I didn’t feel unsafe. I felt relieved that I might get some answers.

  “What’s your name?” I asked with my eyes closed.


  I opened one eye and smirked at him, “Even the way you say your name sounds mysterious.”

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  My one eye closed again and I sucked in a slow breath then released it. “Like crap actually. Ever since the night before my birthday. The whole lot has been a roller coaster. What’s happening to me?”

  “You’re changing.”


  “Because it’s your destiny.”

  My eyes sprung open and I sat forward and looked at him. “I don’t understand. What’s going on?”

  He pulled a flask out of his coat and took a long sip then handed it to me. I shook my head.

  “Drink some. It will make you feel better and, well, you’re going to need it,” he said still holding the flask out to me.

  I took it and slowly brought it to my lips then tipped it up. A thick liquid hit my tongue, my taste buds exploded with glee, and the flavour filled my mouth. I swallowed and took another big mouth full. It was delicious. My whole body started to tingle and my mind came alive with awareness like it had just woken up from a long sleep. Rejuvenation swept through me and I could not help but take another mouth full.

  His hand touched mine as he took the flask out of my hands on the third swig. He smiled at me then asked, “Do you feel better?”

  “Loads better. What is that?” I asked. I wanted more.

  “It is what we need to keep us alive and alert.”

  “That’s what all alcoholics say,” I retorted.

  He laughed. His deep voice bounced around my eardrum like a squash ball.

  “You have much to learn,” he said.

  “Learn about what,” I asked.

  “Being a Vampire,” he plainly said.

  “Yeah, Ok!” I said with a snort.

  “You are, and I am your maker. That night at the club, I bit you right? Then you drank my blood? It only works that way. When we bite, the venom goes into the blood stream and when the blood is drunk it goes to your stomach and acts like a magnet to the venom, which makes it, move through your blood stream faster to connect with the blood as it is also absorbed into the blood stream. When both are connected, a chain reaction starts. First the healing. Your stab wound, for example, was healed.”

  I blinked my eyes a few times and then burst out laughing. “Oh my god you are out of your mind.”

  He ignored my laughter and continued, “You did not drink enough blood to heal all your wounds, but enough to heal the fatal ones. I came to the hospital to give you more but your friends were relentless and protected you like a mother to her cub. Look at your wrist now.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Look at it,” he pressed.

  I pealed back the bandage and looked at my wrist. Two tiny round scars sat there. No blood or pus, just two tiny neat little scars that I could hardly see. I pulled the bandage from my other wrist and saw a faint scar line from when I was scratched by the bush.

  “Oh, my, God!” was all I could say.

  “Nothing was helping them. Antibiotics would not help. Cleaning it and creams did nothing.”

  “I was starting to think I had Leprosy,” I said, still looking at my wrist in shock.

  “The drink you just had helped with that.”

  I knew with apprehension what the answer was going to be but I asked anyway, “What was in the drink?”


  Chapter Eleven

  I started wiping my tongue in a frantic panic. Then my eyes shot to Lachlan.

  “Are you insane? That is so disgusting,” I yelled.

  “I ju
st told you before that you drank my blood. What’s the difference?” he said with a devilish smirk.

  “I was humouring you. I don’t believe I did, or at least I don’t want to believe I did. What the Hell!”

  “You need it now that you are a Vampire,” he said bluntly.

  “Yeah that makes sense, because Fairies, Werewolves and Witches are real too. Oh and don’t forget Wizards, I would hate to offend them by leaving them out too,” I said sarcastically.

  “What, no mention of the pixies and goblins?” he said with a wide grin.

  “This is crazy! Vampires don’t exist,” I argued.

  “Clearly we do,” he countered back.

  “NO! No, you are just some crazy stalker that bit me and you’ve probably given me rabies and that’s why I have been sick and half crazy,” I said trying to convince myself.

  He tilted his head in amusement at my outburst. “It’s a lot to take in. You did not grow up in our world, if you had, you would know all this.”

  “My world. I do live in my world. The sane world.”

  “Your senses are heightened. You have been feeling drained until now when you had some blood. You have felt weak. Scared of the unknown, and now that you do know, you refuse to believe it,” he said.

  “Because it’s crazy. Can you not hear yourself?” I retorted

  “You already knew, you just didn’t want to believe it. You said it yourself that since the night you were scratched you had not been yourself.”

  “NO, I said since the night before my birthday I had not felt myself. How did you know I got bush attacked?” I asked.

  “Because I know it was not a bush that scratched you and deep down so do you,” he said.

  I just stared at him only occasionally blinking.

  “We need to go see someone. She will help you understand,” he told me.

  I felt like I was a zombie.

  “What is she?” I asked with dread.

  “A Witch.”